Click or drag to resize
GridControlModifyCell Event
Modify Cell event.

Namespace: Stingray.Grid
Assembly: Stingray.GridControl (in Stingray.GridControl.dll) Version: [TAG_DECIMAL_VERSION]
public event ModifyCellEventHandler ModifyCell


Type: Stingray.GridModifyCellEventHandler
The ModifyCell event is invoked when the user changes text in the current cell. This event is invoked only from cells that have an active state, such as edit controls or combobox controls where the cell content will be transferred to the grid when the cell is left. Other types of controls such as check boxes or radio buttons that immediately change the cell contents in the grid and have no active state do not invoke ModifyCell. Instead, if you click on the check button in the check box, the check box invokes an ClickedButtonRowCol event and then calls SetStyleRange(Range, Style).
See Also