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LeftCellEventArgs Class
Supplies data for the LeftCell event of the GridControl class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Stingray.Grid
Assembly: Stingray.GridControl (in Stingray.GridControl.dll) Version: [TAG_DECIMAL_VERSION]
public class LeftCellEventArgs : CellEventArgs

The LeftCellEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public methodLeftCellEventArgs
Initializes a new LeftCellEventArgs object.
Public propertyCol
Gets or sets the column index of the cell.
(Inherited from CellEventArgs.)
Public propertyNewCol
Gets or sets the new current column.
Public propertyNewRow
Gets or sets the new current row.
Public propertyRefresh
Gets or sets whether or not the old current cell should be refreshed.
Public propertyRow
Gets or sets the row index of the cell.
(Inherited from CellEventArgs.)
These event arguments are supplied to any overridden LeftCell event handler, as well as to any delegates attached to the LeftCell event.
The LeftCell event is invoked after the current cell is deactivated. At the time this event is invoked, no cell is current in the grid. If you handle this event, you can hook into refreshing the current cell after it is deactivated.
See Also