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OGProperties Class
Interfact to enable or disable grid display properties.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Stingray.Grid
Assembly: Stingray.GridControl (in Stingray.GridControl.dll) Version: [TAG_DECIMAL_VERSION]
public class OGProperties : IDisposable

The OGProperties type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlackWhite
Gets or sets a value to enable or disable color printing.
Public propertyDisplay3dButtons
Gets or sets a value to show that row and column headers should be drawn raised (like a button) or normally.
Public propertyDisplayColHeaders
Gets or sets a value to show that column headers (cells in row 0) are displayed.
Public propertyDisplayHorizontalLines
Gets or sets a value to show that horizontal grid lines are drawn.
Public propertyDisplayRowHeaders
Gets or sets a value to show that row headers (cells in column 0) are displayed.
Public propertyDisplayVerticalLines
Gets or sets a value to show that vertical grid lines are drawn.
Public propertyGridBkColor
Sets a value to change the background color of the entire grid.
Public propertyMargins
Sets or gets the left, right, top and bottom margin values for printing.
Public propertyMarkColHeader
Gets or sets a value to show that the column header for the column with the current cell should be drawn pressed.
Public propertyMarkRowHeader
Gets or sets a value to show that the row header for the row with the current cell should be drawn pressed.

The grid display properties, represented by this class, are available though the GridControl.Properties property.

The grid properties that can be manipulated using this class can be manipulated at design time and at run time:

  • Display 3D Buttons
  • Display Column Headers
  • Display Horizontal Lines
  • Display Row Headers
  • Display Vertical Lines
  • Mark Column Header
  • Mark Row Header

See Also