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StoreMoveRowsEventArgs Class
Supplies data for the StoreMoveRows event of the GridControl class.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Stingray.Grid
Assembly: Stingray.GridControl (in Stingray.GridControl.dll) Version: [TAG_DECIMAL_VERSION]
public class StoreMoveRowsEventArgs : StoreEventArgs

The StoreMoveRowsEventArgs type exposes the following members.

Public methodStoreMoveRowsEventArgs
Initializes a new StoreHideRowEventArgs object.
Public propertyCanStore
Gets or sets whether the data can be stored to the grid.
(Inherited from StoreEventArgs.)
Public propertyDestinationRow
Gets or sets the destination row index, where the rows are moved to.
Public propertyFromRow
Gets or sets the starting row index of the range of rows to move.
Public propertyProcessed
Gets or sets the processed flag.
Public propertyStored
Gets or sets whether the information has already been stored.
(Inherited from StoreEventArgs.)
Public propertyToRow
Gets or sets the ending row index of the range of rows to move.
These event arguments are supplied to any overridden StoreMoveRows event handler, as well as to any delegates attached to the StoreMoveRows event.
The StoreMoveRows event is invoked when rows are moved within the grid.
See Also