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Range Class
Represents a range of cells, rows, columns, or an entire table.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Stingray.Grid
Assembly: Stingray.GridUtils (in Stingray.GridUtils.dll) Version: [TAG_DECIMAL_VERSION]
public class Range : ICloneable, ISerializable

The Range type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCell
Creates a range referencing one cell.
Public methodStatic memberCells
Creates a range referencing an arbitrary range of cells.
Public methodClone
Creates a copy of this Range.
Public methodStatic memberCol
Creates a range consisting of one column.
Public methodStatic memberCols
Creates a range of the specified columns.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether this range is equal to another range.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodExpandRange
Sets the range based on the top, left corner of the range, and the number of rows and columns in the range.
Public methodStatic memberFromLTRB
Creates a range from the left, top, right, and bottom row and column indexes.
Public methodGetFirstCell
Gets the first cell.
Public methodGetHashCode
Calculates a hash code for this Range.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetNextCell(UInt32, UInt32)
Gets the next cell, in row order.
Public methodGetNextCell(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean)
Gets the next cell, in either row or column order.
Public methodInsertCols
Inserts columns at a specified starting location.
Public methodInsertRows
Inserts rows at a specified location.
Public methodIntersectRange(Range)
Tests if this range intersects with a specified range.
Public methodStatic memberIntersectRange(Range, Range)
Tests if tho ranges intersect.
Public methodStatic memberInvalidRange
Creates an invalid range.
Public methodIsCellInRange
Determines whether a specified cell is within this range.
Public methodStatic memberRow
Creates a range consisting of one row.
Public methodStatic memberRows
Creates a range of the specified rows.
Public methodStatic memberTable
Creates a range that references an entire table.
Public methodUnionRange(Range)
Calculates the union of this range with another range.
Public methodStatic memberUnionRange(Range, Range)
Calculates the union of two ranges.
Protected fieldbottom
The bottom bound of the range.
Protected fieldbValid
Indicates if the range is valid.
Protected fieldleft
The left bound of the range.
Protected fieldrangeType
The type of range.
Protected fieldright
The right bound of the range.
Protected fieldtop
The top bound of the range.
Public propertyBottom
Gets the bottom row in the range.
Public propertyHeight
Gets the height, in rows, of this range.
Public propertyIsCells
Determines whether this is an arbitrary range of cells.
Public propertyIsCols
Determines whether this is a range of columns.
Public propertyIsRows
Determines whether this is a range of rows.
Public propertyIsTable
Determines whether this range references an entire table.
Public propertyIsValid
Determines whether the range is valid..
Public propertyLeft
Gets the leftmost column in the range.
Public propertyRangeType
Gets the type of this range.
Public propertyRight
Gets the rightmost column in the range.
Public propertyTop
Gets the topmost row in the range.
Public propertyWidth
Gets the width, in columns, of this range.

Ranges that reference an arbitrary range of cells can become invalid if the size of the table changes such that the range references non-existent cells. Ranges that represent ranges of rows or columns are invalidated if any of the referenced rows or columns are removed. However, ranges of rows are not affected by changes to the number of columns.

Similarly, ranges of columns are not affected by changes to the number of rows. A range that references the entire table is not affected by a change to the size of the table. It references the entire table regardless of its size.

Range objects are used in methods that manipulate more than one grid cell in one operation, such as GridControl.SetStyleRange, GridControl.RedrawRowCol, GridControl.CopyCells, and many others.

See Also