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2.25 Core XML Classes

Table 24: Core XML Classes

Class NameDescription


rwsf::XmlAttribute represents an attribute of an XML element. Each attribute consists of an attribute name represented by an rwsf::XmlName and a value string. For example, the element


rwsf::XmlAttributeSet is a specialized collection class for rwsf::XmlAttribute objects, providing methods for inserting, iterating, and searching based on rwsf::XmlName values.


XmlException defines a base exception class for all exceptions related to the XML subsystem.


The complete information for an XML name consists of a local name and its namespace. rwsf::XmlName represents a complete XML name using a local name represented as a string and an rwsf::XmlNamespace. If the local name has no namespace qualification, the namespace component of an instance of this class will be a namespace equal to the namespace returned by rwsf::XmlNamespace::getEmptyNamespace().


Class rwsf::XmlNamespace encapsulates an XML namespace declaration. The class holds the prefix (namespace prefix) and the URI (namespace name) as instances of std::string.


XmlParseAttributeNotFoundException encapsulates errors that occur during parse when an expected attribute is not found.


XmlParseException defines a base exception type for all errors that occur while parsing an XML document.


XmlParseLineColException defines an exception type that captures line and column information for where the parse failure occurs.


Class rwsf::XmlReader implements the handle/body idiom in which rwsf::XmlReaderImp is the body and rwsf::XmlReader is the handle.


XmlSchemaException indicates that an error occurred when attempting to validate an XML document against the constraints defined in an associated schema.


rwsf::XmlStreamWriter implements an rwsf::XmlWriter that uses an std::ostream as a data sink. The class inherits most functions from rwsf::XmlWriter. This class can be constructed on any std::ostream implementation.


Class rwsf::XmlStringWriter implements an rwsf::XmlWriter that uses an std::string as a data sink. This class provides a string buffer based implementation of the rwsf::XmlWriter interface to aid in writing XML content to a string.


rwsf::XmlUtils is a utility class used primarily internally. However, it may be useful for its string processing helper functions.


rwsf::XmlValidator methods are used in classes generated by HydraAgent to check values in instance documents, working through the isValid() method of each generated class. This method in generated classes validates simple type data in an instance document based on facets defined in the XML schema for that document type. In an XML schema, simple types can have associated facets that restrict the allowable data values for an element or attribute of the specified type.


Class rwsf::XmlWriter is an abstract base class that provides an interface for writing XML messages. A derived class implements the protected methods to write output to a specific data sink, such as an std::string, a file, or a socket. Applications typically do not use classes derived from rwsf::XmlWriter directly. Instead, the application passes the writer to the marshal() method of a class generated by HydraAgent.

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