HydraExpress 4.6

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rwsf::XmlWriter Class Reference
[Core XML]

Abstract base class that provides an interface for writing XML messages. More...

#include <rwsf/core/XmlWriter.h>

Inheritance diagram for rwsf::XmlWriter:
rwsf::XmlStreamWriter rwsf::XmlStringWriter

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 XmlWriter ()
void addNamespace (const rwsf::XmlNamespace &ns)
void addNamespaceDecl (const rwsf::XmlNamespace &ns)
int setSizeOfIndent (int indentSize_)
int getSizeOfIndent () const
void setCurrentIndent (int indent)
int getCurrentIndent () const
void writeIndentChars ()
void incrementIndent ()
void decrementIndent ()
void writeAttribute (const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
void writeAttribute (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const std::string &value)
void writeAttribute (const std::string &name, const std::string &value, bool mustEscapeText)
void writeAttribute (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const std::string &value, bool mustEscapeText)
void writeAttribute (const std::string &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength)
void writeAttribute (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength)
void writeAttribute (const std::string &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, bool mustEscapeText)
void writeAttribute (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, bool mustEscapeText)
void writeSimpleElement (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const std::string &value, const rwsf::XmlName &schemaType, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const std::string &value, const std::string &schemaType, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const std::string &schemaType, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const std::string &value, const std::string &schemaType, bool mustEscapeText, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const std::string &name, const std::string &value, const std::string &schemaType, bool mustEscapeText, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, const rwsf::XmlName &schemaType, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, const std::string &schemaType, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const std::string &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, const std::string &schemaType, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, const rwsf::XmlName &schemaType, bool mustEscapeText, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, const std::string &schemaType, bool mustEscapeText, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void writeSimpleElement (const std::string &name, const char *valueData, size_t valueLength, const std::string &schemaType, bool mustEscapeText, bool includeTypeAttribute)
void write (const std::string &text)
void write (const std::string &text, bool mustEscapeText)
void write (const char *textData, size_t textLength, bool mustEscapeText)
void writeElementStart (const rwsf::XmlName &name, const rwsf::XmlAttributeSet &attributes=rwsf::XmlAttributeSet(), bool emptyElement=false, const rwsf::XmlName &schemaType=rwsf::XmlName())
void writeElementEnd (const rwsf::XmlName &name)
void writeNewLine ()
bool getIgnoreWhitespace () const
void setIgnoreWhitespace (bool ignore)
bool getMustEscapeTextDefault () const
void setMustEscapeTextDefault (bool escape)

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string XmlNamespaceTag
static const std::string Blank
static const std::string Colon
static const std::string Newline
static const std::string WhiteSpace
static const std::string EqualToAndQuotes
static const std::string Quotes
static const std::string TrueValue
static const std::string FalseValue
static const std::string StartTag
static const std::string EndTag
static const std::string StartEndTag
static const std::string UnpairedTag
static const std::string MarkupGt
static const std::string MarkupLt
static const std::string MarkupAmpersand
static const std::string MarkupQuotes
static const std::string MarkupApos
static const std::string MarkupCR

Protected Member Functions

virtual void writeToSink (const std::string &text)
virtual void writeToSink (const char *str, size_t len)=0
virtual void writeToSink (char c)=0
virtual void flush ()=0

Detailed Description

Class rwsf::XmlWriter is an abstract base class that provides an interface for writing XML messages. A derived class implements the protected methods to write output to a specific data sink, such as an std::string, a file, or a socket. Applications typically do not use classes derived from rwsf::XmlWriter directly. Instead, the application passes the XmlWriter instance to the marshal() method of the generated XmlBinding classes created by rwsfgen.

This class implements methods for creating and formatting XML elements. rwsf::XmlWriter also manages namespace declarations. The class uses the concept of a namespace scope for determining when to add a namespace declaration. A namespace scope extends from the point at which an element start tag is declared with writeElementStart() until an element end tag is declared with writeElementEnd(). Namespace scopes nest. When creating an element tag, the writer includes namespace declarations for namespaces that are not in scope.

Note that an rwsf::XmlWriter does not automatically produce a namespace declaration for the xsi:type attribute. An application must take care to declare the xsi namespace before producing an element with a schema type attribute. Classes generated by the Agent handle this transparently, so this is only a consideration if an application produces XML output outside of a marshal() method provided in a generated class.

This class is intended to be flexible and suitable for use with streamed output. Therefore, the class does not strictly enforce well-formed XML. For example, there is no requirement that the name passed to writeElementEnd() match the name passed to the most recent call to writeElementStart().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

rwsf::XmlWriter::XmlWriter (  ) 

Constructs a blank writer that will ignore whitespace, will not add newlines, will indent two spaces for each scope level, and has no predefined namespace scope.

Member Function Documentation

void rwsf::XmlWriter::addNamespace ( const rwsf::XmlNamespace ns  ) 

Adds the namespace ns to the current namespace scope. The writer does not declare the namespace for children of the current element.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::addNamespaceDecl ( const rwsf::XmlNamespace ns  ) 

Adds the namespace ns to the root element declaration. This function has no effect once the root element has been written.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::decrementIndent (  ) 

Subtracts one from the current indentation level. Has no effect if the current indentation level is 0.

virtual void rwsf::XmlWriter::flush (  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Pure virtual function. In a derived class, this function flushes the underlying data sink. The behavior of the function depends on the type of the data sink.

Implemented in rwsf::XmlStreamWriter, and rwsf::XmlStringWriter.

int rwsf::XmlWriter::getCurrentIndent (  )  const

Returns the current indentation level.

bool rwsf::XmlWriter::getIgnoreWhitespace (  )  const

Returns true if the writer is set to ignore whitespace (that is, calls to writeIndentChars() and writeNewLine() should not write whitespace); otherwise, false.

bool rwsf::XmlWriter::getMustEscapeTextDefault (  )  const

Returns true if the writer escapes text by default.

  • When mustEscapeText is true, the writer defaults to escaping all text by replacing the characters <, &, and > with equivalent entity declarations.
  • When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape text by default. This value is initialized to true in the default constructor.
The default value can be overridden in the write() functions that take the mustEscapeText parameter.
int rwsf::XmlWriter::getSizeOfIndent (  )  const

Returns the current indentation size. The indentation size sets the number of space characters the writer produces for each level of indentation. The indentation size defaults to 2.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::incrementIndent (  ) 

Adds one to the current indentation level.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::setCurrentIndent ( int  indent  ) 

Sets the current indentation level to indent.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::setIgnoreWhitespace ( bool  ignore  ) 

Sets the ignore whitespace attribute to the bool value ignore. This value is false by default.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::setMustEscapeTextDefault ( bool  escape  ) 

Sets the bool value for escape to define whether or not XML content is escaped by default. This value defaults to true.

The default value can be overridden by parameters to the functions that use this feature.
int rwsf::XmlWriter::setSizeOfIndent ( int  indentSize_  ) 

Sets the indentation size to indentSize, and returns the previous indentation size. The indentation size sets the number of space characters the writer produces for each level of indentation.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::write ( const char *  textData,
size_t  textLength,
bool  mustEscapeText 

Writes out the character data specified by textData with the length textLength.

When mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes text by replacing the special XML characters (such as <, &, and >) with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape text.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::write ( const std::string &  text,
bool  mustEscapeText 

Writes text.

When mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes text by replacing the special XML characters (such as <, &, and >) with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape text.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::write ( const std::string &  text  ) 

Writes text. Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes text by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
bool  mustEscapeText 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute. For the value of the attribute, creates a string from the character array valueData and its length valueLength.When mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape valueData.

For a qualified name, this will print out the prefix:name, but will not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const std::string &  name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
bool  mustEscapeText 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute. For the value of the attribute, creates a string from the character array valueData and its length valueLength.

When mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape valueData.

For a qualified name, this will print out the prefix:name, but will not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute. For the value of the attribute, creates a string from the character array valueData and its length valueLength.Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.

For a qualified name, this will print out the prefix:name, but will not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const std::string &  name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute. For the value of the attribute, creates a string from the character array valueData and its length valueLength.

Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.

For a qualified name, this will print out the prefix:name, but will not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const std::string &  value,
bool  mustEscapeText 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute and value for its value.When mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape value.

For a qualified name, this will print out the prefix:name, but will e\ not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value,
bool  mustEscapeText 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute and value for its value.

When mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape value.

For a qualified name, this will print out the prefix:name, but will e\ not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const std::string &  value 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute and value for its value. Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.

For a qualified name, this method prints out the prefix:name, but will not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined, or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeAttribute ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value 

Adds an attribute to the current element, using name for the name of the attribute and value for its value. Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.

For a qualified name, this method prints out the prefix:name, but will not print out the xmlns:prefix="uri" specifier. So the namespace for the prefix must already be defined, or the resulting XML will be invalid.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeElementEnd ( const rwsf::XmlName name  ) 

Writes the closing tag of an element, removing any namespaces added while writing the element.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeElementStart ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const rwsf::XmlAttributeSet attributes = rwsf::XmlAttributeSet(),
bool  emptyElement = false,
const rwsf::XmlName schemaType = rwsf::XmlName() 

Writes the start tag of an element when emptyElement is false, and writes an empty element tag when emptyElement is true. Uses name for the name of the element and attributes for the attributes on the element. Declares the namespace within name in the element tag unless a namespace in the current scope matches the namespace within name. Uses schemaType to write out the xsi:type attribute if the schemaType is not empty.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeIndentChars (  ) 

Writes indentation for an element. The writer uses space characters to indent. The number of characters produced is the current indentation level multiplied by the current indentation size.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeNewLine (  ) 

Writes a new line.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const std::string &  name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  mustEscapeText,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element. For the content of the element, creates a string from the character array defined by valueData and the length valueLength.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • If mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape valueData.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  mustEscapeText,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element. For the content of the element, creates a string from the character array defined by valueData and the length valueLength.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • If mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape valueData.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
const rwsf::XmlName schemaType,
bool  mustEscapeText,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element. For the content of the element, creates a string from the character array defined by valueData and the length valueLength.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • If mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape valueData.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const std::string &  name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element. The parameter valueData must be a character string of value valueLength. The character data and its length are passed to the writeToSink() pure virtual function.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element. The parameter valueData must be a character string of value valueLength. The character data and its length are passed to the writeToSink() pure virtual function.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const char *  valueData,
size_t  valueLength,
const rwsf::XmlName schemaType,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element. The parameter valueData must be a character string of value valueLength. The character data and its length are passed to the writeToSink() pure virtual function.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes valueData by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  mustEscapeText,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element and value as the content of the element.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • If mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape value.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  mustEscapeText,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element and value as the content of the element.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes a XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • If mustEscapeText is true, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations. When mustEscapeText is false, the writer does not escape value.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element and value as the content of the element.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes an XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const std::string &  value,
const std::string &  schemaType,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element and value as the content of the element.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes an XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.

void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeSimpleElement ( const rwsf::XmlName name,
const std::string &  value,
const rwsf::XmlName schemaType,
bool  includeTypeAttribute 

Writes an element, using name as the name of the element and value as the content of the element.

  • If includeTypeAttribute is true, includes an XML Schema type attribute with the value of schemaType.
  • Unless setMustEscapeTextDefault() has been called and set to false, the writer escapes value by replacing the characters <, &, >, `, and " with equivalent entity declarations.
If a qualified name is required for name, the parameter name must be an instance of XmlName. Any element or type name used in an std::string is considered an unqualified local name, even if it contains a namespace prefix and/or URI.
virtual void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeToSink ( char  c  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Pure virtual function. In a derived class, this function writes a single character c to the underlying data sink.

virtual void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeToSink ( const char *  str,
size_t  len 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Pure virtual function. In a derived class, this function writes the contents of str limited to the length of len to the underlying data sink.

virtual void rwsf::XmlWriter::writeToSink ( const std::string &  text  )  [inline, protected, virtual]

Writes a string text to the underlying data sink. By default this function calls the writeToSink(const char* str, size_t len) function with the appropriate data and length.

Member Data Documentation

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::Blank [static]

Static constant for a space character.

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::Colon [static]

Static constant for a colon (:).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::EndTag [static]

Static constant for the character that ends a tag (>).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::EqualToAndQuotes [static]

Static constant for an equals sign with a trailing doublequote (=").

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::FalseValue [static]

Static constant for a false value (0).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::MarkupAmpersand [static]

Static constant for the ampersand character entity (&).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::MarkupApos [static]

Static constant for the apostrophe character entity (').

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::MarkupCR [static]

Static constant for the ISO 10646 hexadecimal character number D (&#xD;)

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::MarkupGt [static]

Static constant for the greater-than character entity (>).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::MarkupLt [static]

Static constant for the less-than character entity (<).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::MarkupQuotes [static]

Static constant for the doublequote character entity (").

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::Newline [static]

Static constant for a newline character.

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::Quotes [static]

Static constant for a doublequote character (").

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::StartEndTag [static]

Static constant for the character sequence that starts an end tag (</).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::StartTag [static]

Static constant for the character that starts a tag (<).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::TrueValue [static]

Static constant for a true value (1).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::UnpairedTag [static]

Static constant for the character sequence that ends the tag for an empty element (/>).

const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::WhiteSpace [static]
Use Blank instead.
const std::string rwsf::XmlWriter::XmlNamespaceTag [static]

Static constant for the XML namespace prefix (xmlns).

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