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RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp Class Reference
[XML Streams]

Writes objects as XML into the supplied RWDataOutputStream. More...

#include <rw/xmlstreams/RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp.h>

Inheritance diagram for RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp:
RWObjectOutputStreamImp RWXmlObjectStreamCommon RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp RWDataOutputStreamImp RWOutputStreamImp RWStreamImp RWBodyBase RWTCountingBody< RWMutexLock > RWTMonitor< RWMutexLock >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void startBlock (const RWSymbol &)
virtual void endBlock ()
virtual bool needToWrite (const void *obj)
virtual void writeNullPtr ()
virtual void newObjectMarker ()
virtual void writeTypeInfo (const RWSymbol &typeInfo)
virtual void rememberObject (const void *obj)
virtual void writeMemberInfo (const RWSymbol &memberName, RWStreamType memberType)
virtual void endMember (const RWSymbol &memberName)
virtual void startSequence (int count, RWStreamType elementType, const RWSymbol &)
virtual void startElement (int position)
virtual void endElement ()
virtual void endSequence ()
virtual void startMap (int count, RWStreamType keyType, RWStreamType valueType, const RWSymbol &)
virtual void startAssocKey ()
virtual void startAssocValue ()
virtual void endAssoc ()
virtual void endMap ()
virtual void putString (const RWCString &value)
virtual void putWString (const RWWString &value)
virtual void putUString (const RWBasicUString &value)
virtual void putBool (bool value)
virtual void putChar (char value)
virtual void putUnsignedChar (unsigned char value)
virtual void putSignedChar (signed char value)
virtual void putShort (short value)
virtual void putUnsignedShort (unsigned short value)
virtual void putInt (int value)
virtual void putUnsignedInt (unsigned int value)
virtual void putLong (long value)
virtual void putUnsignedLong (unsigned long value)
virtual void putFloat (float value)
virtual void putDouble (double value)
virtual void putWchar_t (wchar_t value)
virtual void putLongLong (long long value)
virtual void putUnsignedLongLong (unsigned long long value)
virtual void putLongDouble (long double value)
virtual void putCharacter (char value)
virtual void putWCharacter (wchar_t value)
virtual void putUCharacter (RWUChar value)
virtual void putSizeT (size_t value)
virtual void setNameForNextObject (const RWCString &str)

Static Public Member Functions

static RWObjectOutputStream make (std::ostream &sink, const RWCString &rootElementType=nestedObjectTag, bool escape=true)
static RWObjectOutputStream make (std::ostream &sink, std::ios *&formatter, const RWCString &rootElementType=nestedObjectTag, bool escape=true)
static RWObjectOutputStream make (RWDataOutputStream &sink, const RWCString &rootElementType=nestedObjectTag, bool escape=true)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void openOuterContext (bool writeContext)
virtual void closeOuterContext (bool writeContext)
 RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp (std::ostream &ostr, const RWCString &rootElementType, bool escape)
 RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp (std::ostream &ostr, std::ios *&formatter, const RWCString &rootElementType, bool escape)
 RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp (const RWDataOutputStream &ostr, const RWCString &rootElementType, bool escape)
 ~RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp ()
virtual void putString (const char *string, RWSize count)
virtual void putWString (const wchar_t *wstring, RWSize count)
virtual void putUString (const RWUChar *ustring, RWSize count)

Detailed Description

The class RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp writes objects as XML into the supplied RWDataOutputStream. Implements the body idiom from the handle/body pattern.


 // Create a strstream to serve as our sink
 ostrstream s;
 // Create an XML data stream using the strstream
 RWObjectOutputStream in = RWXmlbjectOutputStreamImp::make(s);
 // Write integer value '1' to XML data stream
 s << 1;

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp ( std::ostream &  ostr,
const RWCString rootElementType,
bool  escape 
) [inline, protected]

Constructs an RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp instance that takes an ostream to use as the destination.

The value rootElementType indicates the root element of the generated document. This value should be either objectTag, nestedObjectTag, sequenceTag, primitiveTag, or mapTag, depending on what sort of object is streamed into the document at the top level.

The parameter escape sets whether to escape XML reserved characters in the data being serialized. By setting this parameter to true, reserved characters in char and string values are escaped, allowing the data to include embedded XML.

The reserved characters are:

 <  >  &  "  '

You get slightly better performance if the escape parameter is set to false, but before doing so be certain that your data does not contain reserved characters.

RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp ( std::ostream &  ostr,
std::ios *&  formatter,
const RWCString rootElementType,
bool  escape 
) [inline, protected]

Constructs an RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp instance that takes an ostream to use as the destination.

The value rootElementType indicates the root element of the generated document. This value should be either objectTag, nestedObjectTag, sequenceTag, primitiveTag, or mapTag, depending on what sort of object is streamed into the document at the top level.

The parameter escape sets whether to escape XML reserved characters in the data being serialized. By setting this parameter to true, reserved characters in char and string values are escaped, allowing the data to include embedded XML.

The reserved characters are:

 <  >  &  "  '
You get slightly better performance if the escape parameter is set to false, but before doing so be certain that your data does not contain reserved characters.

This constructor also takes a pointer reference to an std::ios formatting object.

The parameter formatter will be returned with a reference to the formatting object.

RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp ( const RWDataOutputStream ostr,
const RWCString rootElementType,
bool  escape 
) [inline, protected]

Constructs an RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp instance that takes an RWDataOutputStream to use as the destination.

The value rootElementType indicates the root element of the generated document. This value should be either objectTag, nestedObjectTag, sequenceTag, primitiveTag, or mapTag, depending on what sort of object is streamed into the document at the top level.

The parameter escape sets whether to escape XML reserved characters in the data being serialized. By setting this parameter to true, reserved characters in char and string values are escaped, allowing the data to include embedded XML.

The reserved characters are:

 <  >  &  "  '

You get slightly better performance if the escape parameter is set to false, but before doing so be certain that your data does not contain reserved characters.

RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::~RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp (  )  [inline, protected]

Destructor. Delete the storeTable even if an exception is thrown.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::closeOuterContext ( bool  writeContext  )  [protected, virtual]

Really closes an open context. This function is called when the number of closeContext() calls matches the number of openContext() calls.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::endAssoc (  )  [virtual]

Called by the output operators for association types after each value.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::endBlock (  )  [virtual]

Causes tokens to be output that identify the end of an object.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::endElement (  )  [virtual]

Called by the output operators for collection types after each element in a sequence.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::endMap (  )  [virtual]

Called by the output operators for association types after all the pairs.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::endMember ( const RWSymbol  )  [virtual]

Called by streamContents() after each data member is written.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::endSequence (  )  [virtual]

Called by the output operators for collection types at the end of a sequence.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

static RWObjectOutputStream RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::make ( RWDataOutputStream sink,
const RWCString rootElementType = nestedObjectTag,
bool  escape = true 
) [static]

Constructs an RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp instance that passes the serialized object data to the RWDataOutputStream sink, and returns a handle to it. Throws no exceptions.

The parameter sink is the ostream that is used as the sink of bytes.

The parameter rootElementType must be one of the following:

The parameter escape sets whether to escape XML reserved characters in the data being serialized.

static RWObjectOutputStream RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::make ( std::ostream &  sink,
std::ios *&  formatter,
const RWCString rootElementType = nestedObjectTag,
bool  escape = true 
) [static]

Constructs an RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp instance that passes the serialized object data to the output stream sink, and returns a handle to it. Use this method when the data output stream is a standard library ostream. Throws no exceptions.

The parameter sink is the ostream that is used as the sink of bytes.

The parameter rootElementType must be one of the following:

The value passed indicates the root element of the generated document. The default setting is nestedObjectTag.

The parameter escape sets whether to escape XML reserved characters in the data being serialized.

This function also takes a pointer reference to an std::ios formatting object. An empty formatting object pointer is created before the XML stream is created and is passed through this make() function to the constructor:

 std::ios* formatter;            // uninitialized pointer
 RWObjectOutputStream xostr =

The constructor, in creating the underlying character stream for the XML stream, creates a formatting object for the stream and places the address of that object in the pointer reference. The calling application can then use this formatting object to manipulate data formats in the XML stream.

 formatter->precision(15);       // manipulate data format 

The parameter source is the istream that is used as the source of bytes.

The parameter formatter will be returned with a reference to the formatting object.

static RWObjectOutputStream RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::make ( std::ostream &  sink,
const RWCString rootElementType = nestedObjectTag,
bool  escape = true 
) [static]

Constructs an RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp instance that passes the serialized object data to the output stream sink, and returns a handle to it. Use this method when the data output stream is a standard library ostream. Throws no exceptions.

The parameter sink is the ostream that is used as the sink of bytes.

The parameter rootElementType must be one of the following:

The value passed indicates the root element of the generated document. The default setting is nestedObjectTag.

The parameter escape sets whether to escape XML reserved characters in the data being serialized.

virtual bool RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::needToWrite ( const void *  obj  )  [virtual]

Returns true when the referenced object has not yet been written to the stream in the current context. Otherwise, tokens are output identifying this object as a previously streamed one, and the function returns false.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::newObjectMarker (  )  [virtual]

Output is a token indicating that an object will be created by the factory.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::openOuterContext ( bool  writeContext  )  [protected, virtual]

Really opens a new context. This function is called by openContext() when a context is not already open.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putBool ( bool  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putChar ( char  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putCharacter ( char  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putDouble ( double  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putFloat ( float  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putInt ( int  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putLong ( long  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putLongDouble ( long double  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putLongLong ( long long  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putShort ( short  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putSignedChar ( signed char  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putSizeT ( size_t  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putString ( const char *  string,
RWSize  count 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Forwards the writing of a narrow character string, including embedded nulls, starting at string to the next processing stream.

string A pointer to the narrow string's first character.
count The number of narrow character(s) to be written to the stream.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putString ( const RWCString value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUCharacter ( RWUChar  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUnsignedChar ( unsigned char  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUnsignedInt ( unsigned int  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUnsignedLong ( unsigned long  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUnsignedLongLong ( unsigned long long  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUnsignedShort ( unsigned short  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUString ( const RWUChar ustring,
RWSize  count 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Forwards the writing of a UTF-16 character string, including embedded nulls, starting at ustring to the next processing stream.

ustring A pointer to the string's first unicode character.
count The number of unicode character(s) to be written to the stream.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putUString ( const RWBasicUString value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putWchar_t ( wchar_t  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putWCharacter ( wchar_t  value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Reimplemented from RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putWString ( const wchar_t *  wstring,
RWSize  count 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Forwards the writing of a wide character string, including embedded nulls, starting at wstring to the next processing stream.

wstring A pointer to the string's first wide character.
count The number of wide character(s) to be written to the stream.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::putWString ( const RWWString value  )  [virtual]

Puts a value into the stream, where the type of the value is defined by the first parameter.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::rememberObject ( const void *  obj  )  [virtual]

Called by streaming operators to record each instance streamed out, in case it is referenced again in the same context.

obj Holds the address of the instance.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::setNameForNextObject ( const RWCString str  )  [virtual]

Sets up the instance name for the next object to be written out.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::startAssocKey (  )  [virtual]

Called by the output operators for association types before each key.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::startAssocValue (  )  [virtual]

Called by the output operators for association types after each key and before each value.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::startBlock ( const RWSymbol typeInfo  )  [virtual]

Causes tokens to be output that identify the start of a new object.

typeInfo Identifies the type of the new object, if such information is available.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::startElement ( int   )  [virtual]

Called by the output operators for collection types before each element in a sequence.

Reimplemented from RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::startMap ( int  count,
RWStreamType  keyType,
RWStreamType  valueType,
const RWSymbol typeInfo 
) [virtual]

Called by the output operators for association types (hash tables, etc.) at the start.

count Contains the number of items in the association.
keyType Contains the type of key in the association.
valueType Contains the type of value in the association.
typeInfo Contains the type of the association(collection) itself

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::startSequence ( int  count,
RWStreamType  elementType,
const RWSymbol typeInfo 
) [virtual]

Called by the output operators for collection types at the start of a sequence.

count Contains the number of items in the collection.
elementType Contains the type of element in the collection.
typeInfo Contains the type of the collection itself.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::writeMemberInfo ( const RWSymbol memberName,
RWStreamType  memberType 
) [virtual]

Called for before each data member by the streamContents() function. Metadata about the field may or may not be written to the stream, depending on the implementation. This function returns true if data is actually written out. Otherwise, it returns false.

memberName Identifies the name of the member.
memberType Identifies the type of the member.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::writeNullPtr (  )  [virtual]

Output is a token representing a null pointer.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

virtual void RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImp::writeTypeInfo ( const RWSymbol typeInfo  )  [virtual]

Outputs the type information required to factory an object of the correct dynamic type (derived class) on input.

typeInfo Identifies the type of the new object, if such information is available.

Implements RWObjectOutputStreamImp.

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