SourcePro 11.1

SourcePro® C++ API Reference Guide

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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
DComplexComplex class for compilers that do not have access to a native complex class
DComplexFFT2DServerPerforms two-dimensional (2-D) double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of an RWGenMat<DComplex> matrix
DComplexFFTServerPerforms double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of an RWMathVec<DComplex> vector
DoubleCosineServerPerforms double precision fast sine or cosine transforms of a real vector
DoubleFFTServerPerforms double precision complex fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of a real vector
HistogramConstructs and maintains a histogram of input data
LeastSqFitConstructs a linear least squares fit to a straight line from input data
rw_hashmap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<K,V> instances
rw_hashmultimap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of mappings between two types K and V, implemented as a hash table of std::pair<K,V> instances where multiple occurrences of the same A instance are allowed
rw_hashmultiset< T, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of some type A, in which there may be many equivalent instances of A
rw_hashset< T, Hash, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of some type A, in which there cannot be more than one occurrence of some given instance of A
rw_linear_algebra_traits< TypeT >A collection of traits typedefs
rw_linear_algebra_traits< DComplex >A collection of traits typedefs specialized on DComplex
rw_linear_algebra_traits< double >A collection of traits typedefs specialized on double
rw_linear_algebra_traits< float >A collection of traits typedefs specialized on float
rw_numeric_traits< T >Helper class containing typedefs associated with numeric types, useful when creating a new numeric type
rw_slist< T, A >Maintains a collection of some type A implemented as a singly-linked list
RWAddObservations< T, S >Holds information about adding observations to a parameter calculation
RWAddPredictors< T, S >Holds information about the addition of predictor variables to a parameter calculation
RWAgentBase class for all protocol-specific agents
RWAnsiLocaleImplements the RWLocale interface, and encapsulates the C++ Standard Library locale
RWAnyEncapsulates an object of an arbitrary type
RWAsymmetricKeyEncapsulates the underlying cryptographic library's representation of the asymmetric key
RWAtomicCounterMaintains a reference count safely in a multithreaded environment
RWAuditStreamBufferConstructs a stream and audits the bytes that pass through it
RWBagCorresponds to the Smalltalk class Bag, representing a group of unordered elements not accessible by an external key
RWBagConstIteratorIterator for class RWBag, which allows sequential access to all the elements of RWBag but allows no changes
RWBagIteratorIterator for class RWBag, which allows sequential access to all the elements of RWBag
RWBalanceDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the decomposition implicit in the permutation and balance transformations on a nonsymmetric matrix before computing its eigenvalues
RWBalanceTransform< TypeT >Encapsulates the permutation and balance transformations on a nonsymmetric matrix before computing its eigenvalues
RWBandFact< TypeT >Encapsulates the factorization of banded matrices used to solve a system of equations
RWBandMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a banded matrix
RWBandTriDiagDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates a symmetric tridiagonal decomposition of a symmetric banded matrix
RWBarrierSynchronizes a number of concurrent threads at a specific point in their processing
RWBasicUStringRepresents and manages an array of UTF-16 values
RWBasicUString::DeallocatorBase class for subclasses that release client-allocated storage
RWBasicUString::PadInserts the contents of a Unicode string into an output stream, padding it with a designated fill character
RWBasicUString::StaticDeallocatorForwards deallocation requests to a static callback method
RWBenchAbstract base class to facilitate automatic benchmarking of some piece of code
RWBilateralExchange< T >Implements a standard form of currency conversion
RWBinaryTreeRepresents a group of ordered elements, as sorted by a comparison method, and allowing duplicates
RWBinaryTreeConstIteratorIterator for class RWBinaryTree that allows no changes to the values in the binary tree
RWBinaryTreeIteratorIterator for class RWBinaryTree
RWbistreamRestores variables stored in binary format by RWbostream
RWBitRefRepresents an l-value to the RWBitVec and RWTBitVec classes
RWBitVecRepresents a bit vector whose length can be changed at runtime
RWBodyBaseBase class for body classes
RWbostreamStores variables in binary format
RWBoundsErrException class that reports invalid indexes into buffers
RWBTreeRepresents a group of ordered elements not accessible by an external key, and for which duplicates are not allowed
RWBTreeDictionaryRepresents a dictionary for the storage and retrieval of key-value pairs, and implemented as a B-tree
RWBTreeOnDiskRepresents an ordered collection of associations of keys and values, with keys ordered based on an external function and with duplicate keys not allowed
RWBufferedCharInputStreamImpImplements a buffer that can be used with narrow character input streams
RWBufferedPageHeapDeprecated. Abstract base class representing a virtual page heap accessed through a buffer
RWBufferedRecvPortalProvides buffering of recv() calls only, possibly improving performance by limiting calls to the underlying RWPortal
RWBufferedSendPortalProvides buffering of send() calls only, possibly improving performance by limiting calls to the underlying RWPortal
RWByteArrayOutputStreamHandle class for binary output streams, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a byte array
RWByteArrayOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for binary output streams, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a byte array
RWByteFromStreambufInputStreamImpConcrete class that connects a binary stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer
RWByteInputStreamHandle class for all binary input stream implementation classes
RWByteInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all binary input stream implementation classes
RWByteOutputStreamHandle class for all binary output stream implementation classes
RWByteOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all binary output stream implementation classes
RWByteToStreambufOutputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a binary stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer
RWCacheManagerCaches fixed-length blocks to and from an associated RWFile
RWCancellationRepresents an exception that is thrown to cancel a thread
RWCConstSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWCString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
RWCertificateKeyMismatchErrorThrown when the provided RWX509Certificate is not valid for the given RWPrivateKey
RWCertificateNotValidErrorThrown when a provided certificate is not valid
RWCertificateOrKeyTooLargeErrorDeprecated. Thrown when the key data is too large to be used
RWChainedByteArrayOutputStreamImpConcrete class implementing the byte array output stream interface
RWChainedCharArrayOutputStreamImpConcrete class implementing the narrow character array output stream interface
RWChainedMemoryStreambufImplementation of the iostreams std::streambuf interface, providing increased performance
RWChainedUCharArrayOutputStreamImpConcrete class implementing the UTF-16 character array output stream interface
RWChainedWCharArrayOutputStreamImpConcrete class implementing the wide character array output stream interface
RWCharArrayOutputStreamHandle class for narrow character output streams that allow retrieval of their inserted data as a narrow character array
RWCharArrayOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for narrow character output streams that allow retrieval of their inserted data as a character array
RWCharFromStreambufInputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a narrow character stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer
RWCharInputStreamHandle class for all narrow character input stream implementation classes
RWCharInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all narrow character input stream implementation classes
RWCharOutputStreamHandle class for all narrow character output stream implementation classes
RWCharOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all narrow character output stream implementation classes
RWCharToStreambufOutputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a narrow character stream to an iostreams narrow character buffer
RWCJRef< TypeT >Used by the RWHermMat<T> classes to reference data that may need to be conjugated
RWClassicCStringAlternate implementation of RWCString that does not depend on the C++ Standard Library
RWClassicCSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWClassicCString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
RWClassicWStringAlternate implementation of RWWString that does not depend on the C++ Standard Library
RWClassicWSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWClassicWString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
RWClockTimerMeasures elapsed wall clock time. RWClockTimer has the same interface as RWTimer
RWCODecomp< TypeT, QRCalc >Encapsulates a complete orthogonal decomposition
RWCollectableContains virtual functions for identifying, hashing, comparing, storing and retrieving collectable objects
RWCollectableAssociationAssociates a key with a value in the Essential Tools Module "dictionary" collection classes
RWCollectableDateDeprecated. Inherits from classes RWDate and RWCollectable
RWCollectableDateTimeProvides a polymorphically persistable RWDateTime
RWCollectableIntProvides a polymorphically persistable RWInteger
RWCollectableStringProvides a polymorphically persistable RWCString
RWCollectableTimeDeprecated. Inherits classes RWTime and RWCollectable
RWCollectableWStringProvides a polymorphically persistable RWWString
RWCollectionContains virtual functions for inserting and retrieving pointers to RWCollectable objects into the collection classes
RWCompactObjectInputStreamImpReads objects encoded in a compact format from the supplied RWDataInputStream
RWCompactObjectOutputStreamImpWrites objects in a compact format to the supplied RWDataOutputStream
RWConditionA condition variable used to delay and reawaken a thread based on program state
RWConstIteratorContains virtual functions for positioning and resetting the const iterator
RWConversionErrException class that reports character encoding conversion errors
RWConvertGenMat< From, To >Converts between RWGenMat types with different datatypes
RWConvertMathArray< From, To >Converts between RWMathArray types with different datatypes
RWConvertMathVec< From, To >Converts between RWMathVec types with different datatypes
RWCRegexpRepresents a regular expression. Deprecated
RWCriticalSectionProvides mutual exclusion for a critical section of code in which only one thread should execute at a time
RWCStringOffers powerful and convenient facilities for manipulating strings
RWCSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWCString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
RWCTokenizerBreaks a string into separate tokens delimited by an arbitrary whitespace. Can be used as an alternative to the ANSI C function strtok()
RWCurrencyA repository for currency information
RWCurrencyBookStores RWCurrency objects in which each is identified by a unique mnemonic
RWDataFromByteInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the data from binary conversion input stream implementation classes
RWDataFromCharInputStreamImpAbstract base class from which all input stream implementation classes that convert from data to narrow characters must derive
RWDataFromVirtualInputStreamImpAdapter class that allows virtual input stream class RWvistream to be used where data input stream class RWDataInputStream is required
RWDataInputStreamHandle class for all the data input stream implementation classes
RWDataInputStreamImpAbstract base class from which all data input stream implementation classes must derive
RWDataOutputStreamHandle class for all the data output stream implementation classes
RWDataOutputStreamImpAbstract base class from which all data output stream implementation classes must derive
RWDataToByteOutputStreamImpAbstract base class from which all output stream implementation classes that convert from data to binary must derive
RWDataToCharOutputStreamImpAbstract base class from which all output stream implementation classes that convert from data to narrow characters must derive
RWDataToVirtualOutputStreamImpAdapter class that allows virtual output stream class RWvostream to be used where data output stream class RWDataOutputStream is required
RWDataViewBase class for all classes that provide a view into a contiguous block of memory
RWDateDeprecated. Represents a date stored as a Julian day number
RWDateTimeRepresents a date and time stored in milliseconds
RWDaylightBoundaryStruct used by RWDaylightRule to define the beginning and ending of daylight saving time
RWDaylightRuleStruct that defines daylight saving time rules
RWDBAbstractBufferEncapsulates a buffer of data including its indicator array
RWDBAssignmentRepresents the result of applying the RWDBColumn::assign() method to an RWDBExpr
RWDBBinaryVectorDeprecated. Transfers binary arrays between the application and the database
RWDBBinaryVectorElementDeprecated. Encapsulates arrays of unsigned characters stored in RWDBBinaryVector instances
RWDBBlobStores Binary Large Objects (Blobs) and includes relevant accessors
RWDBBoundExprActs as a placeholder in a dynamic SQL statement, providing a type-safe interface for binding a local variable to a dynamic SQL statement
RWDBBulkInserterUsed to insert an RWDBTBuffer array into a database table. (To insert scalar values, use RWDBInserter.)
RWDBBulkReaderReads result sets, represented as arrays of RWDBTBuffer<T> or RWDBDateVector, that are associated with an RWDBTable or RWDBSelector. (For reading scalar values, use RWDBReader.)
RWDBCollectableExprAdds RWCollectable semantics to RWDBExpr
RWDBColumnRepresents a column within a table or schema, or a particular parameter of a stored procedure
RWDBCompoundSelectorRepresents the result of the set operators Union, Intersection, or Difference applied to RWDBSelector
RWDBConnCallbackHandle class for connection callbacks that encapsulate a reference-counted pointer to the RWDBConnCallbackImp body class
RWDBConnCallbackImpAbstract base class from which all custom connection callbacks must derive
RWDBConnectionRepresents an explicit database connection object that can be used in place of the implicit database connection provided by RWDBDatabase
RWDBCriterionRepresents the result of applying logical operators to RWDBExpr. It is used to encapsulate SQL WHERE clauses
RWDBCritFormDefinitionBase class for a family of classes used to define functional notation for RWDBCriterion
RWDBCritFuncDef0Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking no parameters
RWDBCritFuncDef1Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 1 parameter
RWDBCritFuncDef2Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 2 parameters
RWDBCritFuncDef3Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 3 parameters
RWDBCritFuncDef4Specialization of the base class RWDBCritFormDefinition used for defining SQL functions taking 4 parameters
RWDBCursorEncapsulates a database cursor
RWDBDatabaseManages connections with database servers
RWDBDatabaseCallbackHandle class for database callbacks, encapsulating a reference-counted pointer to the RWDBDatabaseCallbackImp body class
RWDBDatabaseCallbackImpAbstract base class from which all custom database callbacks derive
RWDBDateTimeDeprecated. Represents a date and time stored as the number of milliseconds
RWDBDateVectorDeprecated. Used as a buffer when transferring date values between the application and the database
RWDBDB2CLILibEnvironmentHandleProvides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters
RWDBDB2CLILibSystemHandleEncapsulates a single SQLHDBC used by the RWDBConnection
RWDBDecimalVectorDeprecated. Transfers decimal arrays of width width between the application and the database. width between the application and the database
RWDBDecimalVectorElementDeprecated. Encapsulates arrays of decimals stored in RWDBDecimalVector objects
RWDBDeleterEncapsulates an SQL DELETE statement
RWDBDurationRepresents a time span in number of seconds
RWDBEnvironmentHandleAbstract base class from which all vendor-specific environment handles must derive. Environment handles are methods that can set or retrieve certain configuration parameters
RWDBExprA C++ representation of expressions used in constructing SQL statements
RWDBExprFormDefinitionBase class for a family of classes that defines functional notation for RWDBExpr
RWDBExprFuncDef0Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take no parameters
RWDBExprFuncDef1Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 1 parameter
RWDBExprFuncDef2Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 2 parameters
RWDBExprFuncDef3Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 3 parameters
RWDBExprFuncDef4Specialization of the base class RWDBExprFormDefinition used to define SQL functions that take 4 parameters
RWDBForeignKeyRepresents foreign keys in a database, used when creating a database table or fetching a database table schema
RWDBForeignKeyListHolds an ordered collection of RWDBForeignKey instances
RWDBInserterEncapsulates an SQL INSERT statement
RWDBJoinExprUsed to build outer join constructs
RWDBManagerA monostate class that manages RWDBDatabase instances, thus mediating access to database servers
RWDBMBStringRepresents a multibyte character string, ensuring that these get handled correctly by databases that differentiate between multibyte and single byte character strings
RWDBMemTableRepresents a table of data that resides in program memory
RWDBMsSqlLibEnvironmentHandleProvides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with Microsoft SQL Server
RWDBMsSqlLibSystemHandleProvides a mechanism for making direct calls to the Microsoft SQL Server API, and some methods for setting access module-specific properties
RWDBMultiRowProvides a mechanism by which a collection of bindable objects can be used with the RWDBValue and RWDBRow interface
RWDBMySqlLibEnvironmentHandleProvides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with MySQL
RWDBMySqlLibSystemHandleProvides a mechanism for making direct calls to the MySQL API
RWDBNullIndicatorProvides a way to determine whether some given data is NULL
RWDBOCIEnvironmentHandleProvides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with Oracle OCI
RWDBOCISystemHandleProvides a mechanism for making direct calls to the Oracle OCI API, and some methods for setting access module-specific properties
RWDBODBCLibEnvironmentHandleProvides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with ODBC
RWDBODBCLibSystemHandleProvides a mechanism for making direct calls to the ODBC API
RWDBOSqlEncapsulates a database-specific SQL statement with all its input and output bindings
RWDBPGSEnvironmentHandleProvides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with PostgreSQL
RWDBPGSSystemHandleProvides a mechanism for making direct calls to the PostgreSQL API, and some methods for setting access module-specific properties
RWDBPhraseBookA lookup table containing keywords and phrases used by specific databases
RWDBReaderProvides row-by-row access to tabular data
RWDBResultRepresents a sequence of zero or more RWDBTable instances
RWDBRowAn ordered collection of RWDBValue instances
RWDBSchemaAn ordered collection of RWDBColumn instances, encapsulating the database notion of a schema
RWDBSelectorEncapsulates the SQL SELECT statement
RWDBSelectorBaseBase class for selector classes RWDBSelector and RWDBCompoundSelector
RWDBStatusEncapsulates the error state of an object or operation
RWDBStoredProcEncapsulates a database stored procedure, providing a uniform API to the common operations related to them
RWDBStringVectorDeprecated. Transfers character arrays of width width between the application and the database
RWDBStringVectorElementDeprecated. Encapsulates arrays of characters stored in RWDBStringVector objects
RWDBSybCtLibEnvironmentHandleProvides methods for setting and retrieving certain connect time and configuration parameters with Sybase CT
RWDBSybCtLibSystemHandleProvides a mechanism for making direct calls to the Sybase CT API and some methods for setting access module-specific properties
RWDBSystemHandleBase class for database-specific classes that provide direct access to the database API
RWDBTableBase class for a family of classes that represent the abstract notion of a database table in a number of different ways
RWDBTBuffer< T >Template class that encapsulates a fixed-sized array of elements of type T
RWDBTMemTableBaseAbstract base class for the derived class RWDBTPtrMemTable
RWDBTPtrMemTable< T, C >Represents a parameterized memory table
RWDBTracerProvides a runtime trace facility for DB Interface Module applications
RWDBUpdaterEncapsulates the SQL UPDATE statement
RWDBValueProvides storage for C++ primitive types and structured types used by the DB Interface Module, and adds NULL/NOT NULL semantics
RWDBVector< T >Deprecated. Used as a buffer when transferring data between the application and the database
RWDBVendorDateDeprecated. Encapsulates vendor-specific date structures
RWDecimal< M >Exactly represents a decimal fraction
RWDecimalBaseBase class for the family of Rogue Wave decimal classes
RWDecimalFormatEncapsulates formatting information for converting a decimal number to a string
RWDecimalFormatScopeEncapsulates decimal format specifiers
RWDecimalInexactErr< M >Signals problems in computations involving the Rogue Wave decimal classes
RWDecimalOverflowErr< M >Signals overflow problems in computations involving the Rogue Wave decimal classes
RWDecimalPortableRepresents an arbitrary precision decimal fraction, providing maximum portability
RWDenseTriDiagDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the symmetric tridiagonal decomposition of a dense symmetric matrix
RWDirectoryIterator< const char * >Provides a specialization of the class template for const char*, with no iteration of subdirectories
RWDirectoryIterator< RWCString >Provides a specialization of the class template for RWCString, with recursive iteration of subdirectories
RWDirEntryA convenience class that encapsulates parsing and component storage of directory entries typical of those returned from the FTP LIST command
RWDiskPageHeapDeprecated. Specialized type of buffered page heap that swaps its pages to disk as necessary
RWDivisionExchange< T >Concrete currency exchange implementation class that converts a source currency to a target currency by dividing the amount of the source currency by the associated conversion factor
RWDivisionGroup< T >A collection of currency objects that convert a source currency to a target currency by dividing the amount of the source currency by a conversion factor
RWDlistCollectablesRepresents a group of ordered items, not accessible by an external key
RWDlistCollectablesConstIteratorTraverses the linked-list from the first (head) to the last (tail) item
RWDlistCollectablesIteratorTraverses the linked-list from the first (head) to the last (tail) item
RWEigDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a nonsymmetric matrix
RWEigServer< TypeT >Abstract base class for the nonsymmetric eigenvalue servers
RWeistreamSpecializes the base class RWbistream to restore values previously stored by RWeostream
RWEnhancedXmlObjectInputStreamImpReads objects encoded in XML from the supplied RWDataInputStream
RWEnhancedXmlObjectOutputStreamImpWrites objects as XML into the supplied RWDataOutputStream
RWeostreamSpecializes the base class RWbostream to store values in a portable binary format
RWEscrowImpBaseA base class that breaks the circular dependency between RWTEscrowImp<Redeemable> and RWTIOUResult<Redeemable>, used when implementing new concrete RWTEscrowImp<Redeemable> classes
RWEuroGroup< T >A collection of all currencies replaced by the Euro, in which each object implements the RWTriangularExchange<T> conversion type
RWExchange< T >Handle class for the abstract body class RWExchangeImpl<T> from which all concrete currency converters derive
RWExchangeFactory< T >Factory class that creates currency exchange objects
RWExchangeGroup< T >The handle for the implementation class RWExchangeGroupImpl<T> , the abstract base class for all currency exchange group implementations. A currency exchange group is a collection of currencies that use the same currency-conversion rules
RWExchangeGroupImpl< T >Abstract base class from which all exchange group implementation classes must derive. Implements the handle-body pattern in which RWExchangeGroup<T> is the handle
RWExchangeImpl< T >The abstract base class from which all currency implementation classes must derive
RWExchangeRateEncapsulates a source currency, a target currency, and a conversion factor, which is, by convention, a multiplicative conversion factor
RWExchangeRateTableStores exchange rates as unique pairs of source and target currencies
RWExternalErrException class that reports errors caused by external sources over which the library has no control
RWExternalStreamExceptionBase class for the stream exceptions
RWFactoryCreates an instance of an RWCollectable object, given a class ID
RWFIFOMutexLockGuarantees that blocking threads acquire the mutex in the same order that they called the acquire() member function
RWFileRepresents an abstraction of a filesystem regular file
RWFileErrException class that reports the failure of file IO operations
RWFileManagerAllocates and deallocates storage in a disk file, much like a "freestore" manager
RWFileStatProvides file statistical information in a portable manner
RWFilteredByteInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered binary input stream implementation classes
RWFilteredByteOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered binary output stream implementation classes
RWFilteredCharInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered narrow character input stream implementation classes
RWFilteredCharOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered narrow character output stream implementation classes
RWFilteredDataInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered data input stream implementation classes
RWFilteredDataOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered data output stream implementation classes
RWFilteredUCharInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered UTF-16 character input stream implementation classes
RWFilteredUCharOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered UTF-16 output stream implementation classes
RWFilteredWCharInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered wide character input stream implementation classes
RWFilteredWCharOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the filtered wide character output stream implementation classes
RWFixedDecimal< M >Exact representation of a decimal fraction with a fixed number of digits after the decimal point, with automatic rounding to ensure correct number of decimal places
RWFromUTF8ConverterConverts char, RWCString or std::string UTF-8 values to UTF-16
RWFtpAgentProvides basic FTP file and directory access, handling more FTP protocol details than RWFtpClient, but without as much flexibility
RWFtpClientProvides low-level access to the FTP client-side protocol
RWFtpDataReplySpecialization class of RWFtpReply containing an RWSocketPortal for data that is to be read from or written to the underlying socket
RWFtpPwdReplyA specialization class of RWFtpReply that attempts to parse the FTP protocol reply for the current directory information
RWFtpReplyThe base class for all FTP protocol reply messages
RWFunctor0Represents the group of functors that are invoked without any arguments and whose invocation returns no value
RWFunctor0ImpAbstract base class for functor body classes that are invoked with no caller arguments and return no value
RWFunctorList0A sequence of functors whose invocation takes no arguments
RWGenFact< T >A templatized LU factorization class that holds the LU factorization of a general square matrix of type T
RWGenMat< T >A templatized general matrix class
RWGenMatConstIterator< T >The random access iterator for the RWGenMat<T> collection class
RWGenMatIterator< T >The random access iterator for the RWGenMat<T> collection class
RWGenMatIteratorBase< T >The base class for RWGenMat iterators
RWGPValueFunctorCalculates the G statistic for a logistic model in comparison to the intercept-only model
RWHandleBaseBase class for all handle classes. Increments a reference count for each class instance that is bound to an instance of the RWBodyBase class
RWHashDictionaryRepresents a group of unordered values, accessible by external keys
RWHashDictionaryConstIteratorAllows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashDictionary and, as a const iterator, does not change anything in the underlying data structure
RWHashDictionaryIteratorAllows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashDictionary
RWHashTableA simple hash table for objects inheriting from RWCollectable. Uses chaining (as implemented by class RWSlistCollectables) to resolve hash collisions
RWHashTableConstIteratorAllows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashTable and, as a const iterator, it does not change anything in the underlying data structure
RWHashTableIteratorAllows sequential access to all the elements of RWHashTable
RWHermBandMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a Hermitian banded matrix. A Hermitian banded matrix is Hermitian, and nonzero only near the diagonal
RWHermEigDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix
RWHermEigServer< TypeT >Abstract base class for the Hermitian eigenvalue server
RWHermFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of Hermitian matrices
RWHermMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a Hermitian matrix
RWHermPDQREigServer< TypeT >The server for the positive definite QR method of computing eigenvalues
RWHermQREigServer< TypeT >The default server for the QR method of computing eigenvalues
RWHermRangeEigServer< TypeT >The Hermitian eigenvalue server class, allowing the computation of only the eigenvalues in a given range and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors
RWHermRFQREigServer< TypeT >The server for the root-free QR method of computing eigenvalues
RWHermSomeEigServer< TypeT >The Hermitian eigenvalue server class, allowing the computation of a subset of the eigenvalues and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors
RWHessEigServer< TypeT >Encapsulates Hessenberg decomposition eigenvalue servers used to construct eigenvalue decomposition objects of type RWEigDecomp<T> from Hessenberg decompositions
RWHessenbergDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates a Hessenberg decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation
RWHttpAgentProvides a high-level interface for issuing common HTTP requests
RWHttpAuthorizationHeaderBaseHelper class that defines the header label and type for derived HTTP Authorization headers
RWHttpBasicAuthorizationHeaderHelper class that defines an Authorization header for Basic Access Authentication
RWHttpClientProvides a low-level interface for communicating with an HTTP server
RWHttpClientManagerProvides a high-level interface for issuing HTTP requests using a cache of connected RWHttpClient instances
RWHttpConnectionErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpContentLengthHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP Content-Length entity header
RWHttpContentTypeHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP Content-Type header
RWHttpDateHelper class to convert an RWDateTime instance to a date from a string and vice versa, conforming to the HTTP/1.1 specification
RWHttpDateHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP Date header
RWHttpEntityTagDescribes an HTTP entity tag
RWHttpEntityTagHeaderBaseHelper class that defines the basic formatting and structure of headers that take an entity tag as an argument
RWHttpFromHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP From header
RWHttpGenericHeaderHelper class that defines a generic HTTP header
RWHttpHandlerErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpHeaderBaseAbstract base class from which all HTTP header classes derive
RWHttpHeaderListStores and organizes a collection of RWHttpHeaderBase objects
RWHttpHeaderParseErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpHostHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP Host header
RWHttpIfDateRangeHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP If-Range header with HTTP-date
RWHttpIfEntityTagRangeHeaderHelper class that defines the HTTP If-Range header with entity tag
RWHttpIfModifiedSinceHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP If-Modified-Since header
RWHttpInvalidBodyErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpNoPendingRepliesErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpRangeHelper class that describes a Byte Range for requesting a portion of a document
RWHttpRangeHeaderHelper class that defines an HTTP Range header
RWHttpRecursiveRedirectErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpReplyEncapsulates HTTP headers and a protocol reply
RWHttpReplyErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpRequestEncapsulates an entire HTTP request including the request line, header list, and request body
RWHttpRequestBodyEncapsulates reading an HTTP message body
RWHttpRequestErrorException class thrown from the HTTP package
RWHttpRequestStreamBodyEncapsulates reading an HTTP message body from an std::istream
RWHttpRequestStringBodyEncapsulates reading an HTTP message body from an RWCString
RWHttpsCertificateNameMismatchException class indicating that the default name mismatch callback has been invoked
RWHttpsCertificateNameParseErrorException class indicating that the default name check callback cannot extract the CommanName from an RWX509Certificate
RWHttpSocketClientHandle class for parent RWHttpClient, providing implementation-specific details for HTTP clients
RWHttpsSecureSocketClientHandle class for parent RWHttpClient, providing implementation-specific details for HTTPS clients
RWHttpsSecurityManagerSets various parameters for the HTTPS package
RWHttpUserAgentHeaderDefines an HTTP User-Agent request header
RWIdentityDictionaryA hash table for key-value pairs. Items are found by requiring them to be identical
RWIdentitySetFinds items that have the same address as the key
RWIncompleteStreamOperationReports errors due to an incomplete stream operation
RWInet6AddrEncapsulates a complete IPv6 address
RWInet6AddrFactoryUsed by RWSockAddrFactory to create instances of RWInet6Addr
RWInet6HostEncapsulates an Internet host IPv6 address and its names
RWInet6TypeConstructs an RWSockType for an IPv6 address type
RWInetAddrEncapsulates a complete Internet address that includes type information, a host, and a port
RWInetAddrFactoryUsed by RWSockAddrFactory to create instances of RWInetAddr
RWInetHostEncapsulates an Internet host IP address and its names
RWInetHostNotFoundErrorReports that an Internet host address lookup failed
RWInetPortEncapsulates an Internet port and its service names
RWInetServiceNotFoundErrorReports that an internet servie name lookup failed
RWInetTypeConstructs an RWSockType for an Internet address type
RWInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the input stream implementation classes
RWIntegerUseful as a base class for classes that use integers as keys in dictionaries, and so forth
RWInternalErrException class that reports errors that occur within the Essential Tools Module
RWInterval< T >A class template for describing an interval of values
RWIstreamDataFromCharInputStreamImpReads data in US-ASCII format from a narrow character stream
RWIteratorContains virtual functions for positioning and resetting the iterator
RWLeastSqCh< TypeT >Represents a factorization of a system of equations with no exact solution such that the Cholesky method of least squares can be used
RWLeastSqQR< TypeT, QRCalc >Represents a factorization of a system of equations with no exact solution such that the complete orthogonal factorization method of least squares can be used
RWLeastSqQRCalcCalculates linear regression parameters using QR decomposition
RWLeastSqQRPvtCalcCalculates linear regression parameters using QR decomposition with pivoting
RWLeastSqSV< TypeT, SVDCalc >Represents a factorization of a system of equations with no exact solution such that the singular value method of least squares can be used
RWLeastSqSVDCalcImplements the calculation of linear regression parameters using singular value decomposition
RWLinearRegressionConstructs a linear regression model from a matrix of predictor variable data and a vector of observation variable data
RWLinearRegressionANOVAProvides information on the variance of residual errors for a linear regression model
RWLinearRegressionFTestTests that the estimated parameters in a linear regression model are equal to a hypothesized vector of values
RWLinearRegressionParamModels an estimated linear regression parameter using a T distribution
RWLinRegModelSelector< F >Encapsulates four different model selection algorithms for linear regression: forward, backward, stepwise, and exhaustive
RWLinRegressFStatisticFunction object that takes the data and parameters associated with a linear regression model and returns the F statistic for that model
RWLocaleDefines an interface that formats the conversion of strings to and from dates and times
RWLocaleSnapshotCreates an snapshot of a locale by querying the program's environment to determine the formatting conventions in effect at the moment of instantiation
RWLogisticFitAnalysisCalculates a number of goodness of fit quantities for a given RWLogisticRegression instance
RWLogisticIterLSQCalculates model parameter estimates from logistic regression data using the iterative least squares method
RWLogisticLevenbergMarquardtCalculates model parameter estimates from logistic regression data using the Levenberg-Marquardt method
RWLogisticRegressionPerforms basic logistic regression on a matrix of predictor variables and a vector of observations
RWLogisticRegressionParamContainer class for logistic regression parameter estimates and their associated statistical quantities
RWLogRegModelSelector< F >For a logistic regression model, selects a subset of predictor variables that accounts for the variation in the regression model's observation variable
RWLowerTriMat< TypeT >Encapsulates lower triangular matrices, which are zero above the diagonal
RWMathArray< T >A templatized arbitrary dimension array class
RWMathArrayConstIterator< T >The random access iterator for the RWMathArray<T> collection class
RWMathArrayIterator< T >The random access iterator for the RWMathArray<T> collection class
RWMathArrayIteratorBase< T >A base class for RWMathArray iterators
RWMathVec< T >A templatized vector class
RWMathVecConstIterator< T >The const random access iterator for the RWMathVec<T> collection class
RWMathVecIterator< T >The random access iterator for the RWMathVec<T> collection class
RWMathVecIteratorBase< T >A base class for RWMathVec iterators
RWMathVecPick< T >Allows selected elements to be addressed in a vector, without creating a new view
RWMimeContentDescriptionHeaderRepresents the Content-Description header of a MIME part
RWMimeContentDispositionRepresents the value of a Content-Disposition header of a MIME part
RWMimeContentDispositionHeaderRepresents the Content-Disposition header of a MIME part
RWMimeContentIdHeaderRepresents the Content-ID header of a MIME part
RWMimeContentLocationHeaderRepresents the Content-Location header of a MIME part
RWMimeContentTransferEncodingHeaderRepresents the Content-Transfer-Encoding header of a MIME part
RWMimeContentTypeRepresents the value of a MIME Content-Type header
RWMimeContentTypeHeaderRepresents the Content-Type header of a MIME part
RWMimeErrorBase class for the heirarchy of exceptions in the MIME package
RWMimeGenericHeaderRepresents Internet Message Format headers other than the headers defined by MIME
RWMimeHeaderBase class for classes that represent message headers as defined in the Internet Message format specification (RFC 2822)
RWMimeMultipartRepresents a MIME part with the media type multipart
RWMimeMultipartRelatedTypeRepresents a Content-Type value with the media type multipart and the subtype related
RWMimeMultipartTypeRepresents a Content-Type value with the media type multipart
RWMimeParameterRepresents a parameter within the content of a MIME header
RWMimeParameterListContains a bounds-checked vector of RWMimeParameter objects
RWMimeParseErrorReports the failure to successfully parse a MIME header
RWMimePartRepresents a MIME part, with methods for manipulating the header list and setting the body of the part
RWMimeTextTypeRepresents a Content-Type value with the media type text
RWMimeUtilsProvides utility functions commonly needed by MIME applications
RWMimeVersionHeaderRepresents the MIME-Version header of a MIME message
RWModelImplements the "Model" leg of a Model-View-Controller architecture
RWModelClientImplements the "View" leg of a Model-View-Controller architecture
RWMoney< T >Represents a specified amount of money in a specified currency
RWMoneyCalculator< T >Performs algebraic operations when the money operands in an equation are not of the same currency
RWMulticastSocketExtends RWSocket to provide support for multicast UDP sockets
RWMultiIndexAn n-dimensional index class for traversing arrays of arbitrary dimension
RWMultiplicationExchange< T >Converts a source currency to a target currency by multiplying the amount of the source currency by the associated conversion factor
RWMultiplicationGroup< T >Represents a collection of currencies that have a common distinguishing characteristic for converting money from one currency to money of another currency
RWMutexLockImplements a mutex, or mutual exclusion lock
RWNativeDataFromByteInputStreamImpReads data in native format from a binary stream
RWNativeDataToByteOutputStreamImpWrites data in native format to a binary stream
RWNetAlreadyRegisteredErrorReports an attempt to register multiple socket address factories for a socket address family
RWNetBufNetwork communication buffer class
RWNetCantCreatePortalErrorReports the inability to create a portal
RWNetCantRecvErrorReports the failure to receive data on a communication channel
RWNetCantSendErrorReports a failure to send data on a communications channel
RWNetInvalidSocketErrorReports use of an invalid RWSocket with rwSocketSelect()
RWNetNoChannelErrorReports an attempt to send or receive data on an RWPortal that is not bound to a communications channel
RWNetNoFactoryRegisteredErrorReports a request to produce a derived RWSockAddr for a socket family or name that is not registered with the factory
RWNetNoNameFactoryRegisteredErrorReports a request to produce a derived RWSockAddr for a socket family that is not registered with the factory
RWNetNoNumberFactoryRegisteredErrorReports a request to produce a derived RWSockAddr for a socket family that is not registered with the factory
RWNetNoSuchBlockingHookErrorDeprecated. Reports an attempt to pass an unknown blocking hook to the RWWinSockInfo constructor
RWNetOperationTimeoutErrorReports the failure of a network operation to complete within the specified timeout period
RWNetSelectErrorReports the failure of a call to rwSocketSelect()
RWNetTimeoutNotImplementedErrorReports an attempt to use an unsupported timed operation
RWNetWinsockInitErrorReports the failure to initialize the requested version of the Windows Socket library, or a failure to successfully clean up the library
RWNGRef< TypeT >Handles the case of a reference to an element that may have to be negated
RWNullMutexLockEfficient stand-in for a mutual exclusion lock when synchroniztion is either unnecessary or not important
RWNumReplyEncapsulates a numerical protocol reply typical of many common Internet protocols
RWNumReplyLineEncapsulates a single numerical protocol reply as defined by the FTP and SMTP protocols
RWObjectInputStreamHandle class for object input stream implementation classes
RWObjectInputStreamImpBase class for all object input stream implementations
RWObjectOutputStreamHandle class for all the object output stream implementation classes
RWObjectOutputStreamImpBase class for all object output streams implementations
RWOrderedRepresents a group of ordered items, accessible by an index number, but not accessible by an external key
RWOrderedConstIteratorTraverses the collection from the first to the last item
RWOrderedIteratorTraverses the collection from the first to the last item
RWOstreamDataToCharOutputStreamImpWrites data in US-ASCII format to a narrow character stream
RWOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the output stream implementation classes
RWPCBufferBaseBase class for the family of classes that provide buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging data between cooperating threads
RWPDBandFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDFact<T>, and RWPDTriDiagFact<T>
RWPDFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDBandFact<T> and RWPDTriDiagFact<T>
RWPDTriDiagFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of positive definite symmetric matrices. See also RWPDFact<T> and RWPDBandFact<T>
RWpistreamSpecializes the abstract base class RWvistream to restore variables stored in a portable US-ASCII format by RWpostream
RWPop3AgentEnables basic POP3 mail access, with more details of the POP3 protocol than the RWPop3Client class, but less flexibility
RWPop3ClientEnables low-level access to the POP3 client-side protocol
RWPop3ConnReplyUsed to parse the POP3 protocol reply for the timestamp passed back by a server implementation supporting enhanced security features
RWPop3DataReplyEncapsulates an RWSocketPortal that receives the data portion of a message
RWPop3ReplyEncapsulates a general POP3 protocol reply and is the base class for specific POP3 replies
RWPop3StatReplyUsed to parse additional reply data returned in response to the POP3 STAT command
RWPortalAn access point to a reliable byte stream communication channel
RWPortalImpAbstract base class from which to create specialized portal types
RWpostreamSpecializes the abstract base class RWvostream to store variables in a portable (printable) US-ASCII format
RWProtocolAgentErrorAn exception thrown from the Internet Basics package
RWProtocolClientCmdSequenceErrorAn exception thrown from the Internet Basics package
RWProtocolClientErrorAn exception thrown from the Internet Basics package
RWQRCalc< TypeT >Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix using the LAPACK functions xgeqpf (with pivoting) or xgeqrf (no pivoting)
RWQRCalcP3< TypeT >Computes the QR decomposition of a matrix using the LAPACK function xgeqp3
RWQRDecomp< TypeT, QRCalc >Used to construct and work with QR decompositions
RWQRDecompServer< TypeT, QRCalc >Used to construct instances of the QR decomposition class, RWQRDecomp<T,QRCalc>
RWRandGenBasicMLCAbstract base class for classes that generate random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0,1]
RWRandGeneratorGenerates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
RWRandGenMCG31M1Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
RWRandGenMCG59Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
RWRandGenMRG32K3AGenerates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
RWRandGenMTwistGenerates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
RWRandGenR250Generates random numbers uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 1]
RWRandInterfaceAbstract base class for RWTRand<Generator>
RWRangeRepresents an index that can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays
RWReadersWriterLockA synchronization lock that allows concurrent access to multiple readers, but limits access to a single writer
RWRegexErrException class that reports errors from within RWTRegex
RWRegression< T, S >Abstract base class that defines the interface for the regression classes
RWRegressionCalc< T, S >Defines the interface for regression parameter calculation objects
RWRegressionDataChange< T, S >Base class for data change objects when adding predictor variables or observations to a parameter calculation
RWRegressionModelSelector< T, S, F >The base class for the model selection classes for linear or logistic regression
RWRemoveObservations< T, S >Holds information about removing observations from a parameter calculation
RWRemovePredictors< T, S >Holds information about the removal of predictor variables from a parameter calculation
RWReplyAbstract base class for all protocol replies
RWReplyErrorAn exception thrown from the Internet Basics package
RWReplySyntaxErrorAn exception thrown from the Internet Basics package
RWROCJRef< TypeT >Handles a reference to a datum that may be read-only, or may need to be conjugated
RWRORef< TypeT >Handles the case of potentially read-only access to data
RWRunnableHandle class for a runnable object, i.e. one that controls an application's threads of execution
RWRunnableFunctionHandle class for functor-based, runnable objects
RWRunnableHandleBase class from which all runnable object handles derive
RWRunnableSelfHandle class for a runnable object
RWRunnableServerRepresents a runnable server for executing runnable objects
RWRunnableTrapWaits for a number of runnables or threads to reach a certain execution state
RWSchurDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates a Schur decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation
RWSchurEigServer< TypeT >Encapsulates Schur decomposition eigenvalue servers used to construct eigenvalue decomposition objects of type RWEigDecomp<T> from Schur decompositions
RWSecureSocketRepresents a TCP socket using the SSL/TLS protocols for secure communication
RWSecureSocketAttributeEncapsulates socket conditions
RWSecureSocketBadMemoryReferenceErrorThrown when NULL is passed to a function that needs a valid pointer
RWSecureSocketContextRepresents an SSL/TLS context and is an adapter for the underlying cryptographic library's representation of a secure socket context
RWSecureSocketErrorThrown when a problem occurs while trying to use a RWSecureSocket
RWSecureSocketInvalidFileErrorThrown when a named file does not exist or is invalid
RWSecureSocketInvalidMethodErrorThrown when NULL is passed to the RWSecureSocketMethod constructor
RWSecureSocketInvalidSocketErrorThrown when an invalid socket is used
RWSecureSocketListenerCreates a secure socket listener, which waits on a user-defined socket address for incoming connections
RWSecureSocketMethodEncapsulates the various TLS/SSL protocol versions. An instance of this class is required to construct an RWSecureSocketContext object
RWSecureSocketNoCallbackSpecifiedErrorThrown when an RWAsymmetricKey is constructed with encrypted key data but no RWPasswordCallback is provided to decrypt the key
RWSecureSocketNullCertificateErrorThrown when the library is unable to provide a valid certificate
RWSecureSocketPackageCleanupErrorThrown when RWSecureSocketPackageInit fails to cleanup the underlying cryptographic library
RWSecureSocketPackageInitHandles the initialization and cleanup of the underlying cryptographic library
RWSecureSocketPackageInitErrorThrown when RWSecureSocketPackageInit fails to initialize the underlying cryptographic library
RWSecureSocketPackageNotInitializedErrorThrown when there is no valid RWSecureSocketPackageInit instance and an RWSecureSocketContext is constructed
RWSecureSocketPortalAn access point of a reliable byte stream communication channel that utilizes the SSL/TLS protocols for information security
RWSecureSocketRNGNotSeededErrorThrown when the application attempts to construct an RWSecureSocketContext without first initializing the random number generator or disabling seed checking
RWSecureSocketSelectErrorThrown when a problem occurs inside rwSecureSocketSelect()
RWSecureSocketSessionRepresents a secure socket session and is used the client side of the SSL/TLS protocol for session reuse
RWSecureSocketShutdownErrorThrown when an attempt to shutdown the SSL/TLS connection fails
RWSecureSocketUnderlyingAllocationErrorThrown when the underlying library fails to allocate memory
RWSecureSocketUseCertificateErrorThrown when the provided RWX509Certificate cannot be set
RWSecureSocketUsePrivateKeyErrorThrown when the provided RWPrivateKey cannot be set or if the RWPrivateKey does not match the provided RWX509Certificate
RWSemaphoreA synchronization object that maintains a non-negative counter
RWSequenceableAbstract base class for collections that can be accessed by an index
RWServerPoolManages a pool of RWRunnableServer instances used to start runnable objects submitted for execution by other threads
RWSetA group of unordered elements, not accessible by an external key, where duplicates are not allowed
RWSetConstIteratorConst iterator for class RWSet, to allow sequential access to all elements of RWSet
RWSetIteratorIterator for class RWSet, allowing sequential access to all the elements of RWSet
RWSize_TEncapsulates the simple type, size_t
RWSkewMat< TypeT >Encapsulates skew symmetric matrices
RWSliceRepresents an index that can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays
RWSlistCollectablesRepresents a group of ordered elements without keyed access, where duplicates are allowed
RWSlistCollectablesConstIteratorConst iterator for class RWSlistCollectables that traverses the linked-list from the first to last item
RWSlistCollectablesIteratorIterator for class RWSlistCollectables. Traverses the linked-list from the first to last item
RWSlistCollectablesQueueA restricted interface to class RWSlistCollectables in order to implement a first in first out (FIFO) queue
RWSlistCollectablesStackA restricted interface to class RWSlistCollectables to implement a last in first out (LIFO) stack
RWSmtpAgentSends data to a server via the SMTP protocol
RWSmtpClientEnables low-level access to the SMTP client-side protocol
RWSmtpDataReplyEncapsulates an RWSocketPortal that writes the body of a mail message
RWSmtpReplyBase class for all SMTP protocol reply messages
RWSockAddrA proxy to a socket address
RWSockAddrBaseInterface class that represents a socket address
RWSockAddrFactoryBuilds addresses of any registered type. Not intended for explicit use
RWSockAddrFactoryBaseAbstract class that builds socket addresses
RWSockBadAddressFormatErrorReports the inability to parse a string into a valid socket address
RWSocketWrapper for the C concept of a socket
RWSocketAttributeRepresents a set of attributes on a socket
RWSocketErrorReports an error on an RWSocket
RWSocketListenerWaits on a specified socket address for incoming connections
RWSocketPortalSocket implementation of a portal
RWSocketPortalBaseBase class for all classes that wish to use the WhoShouldClose enumeration
RWSockTypeA type of socket communications channel
RWSockTypeChangeErrorReports the attempt to change the type of a valid socket
RWSockWrongAddressTypeErrorReports the attempt to convert one derived RWSockAddr to some other RWSockAddr type
RWSortedVectorRepresents a group of ordered items
RWSSLContextLoadVerifyLocationsErrorThrown when the provided verify locations file exists but cannot be loaded
RWSSLContextUnableToSetCipherListErrorThrown when the provided cypher list cannot be used by the underlying library
RWStreamCouplerProvides an automated mechanism for connecting an input stream to an output stream
RWStreamErrException class that reports either no header or an invalid header in an RWEndianStream
RWStreamImpAbstract base class for all the stream implementation classes
RWStringIDAn identifier for RWCollectable instances
RWSVDCalc< TypeT >Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix based on the LAPACK routine xgesvd
RWSVDDivConqCalc< TypeT >Computes a singular value decomposition of a matrix using divide-and-conquer
RWSVDecomp< TypeT, SVDCalc >Used to construct and work with singular value decompositions
RWSVServer< TypeT, SVDCalc >Used to construct instances of the singular value decomposition class, RWSVDecomp<T>
RWSymBandMat< TypeT >Encapsulates a symmetric band matrix
RWSymbolEncapsulates a string name in a reference-counted handle-body pattern
RWSymEigDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix
RWSymEigServer< TypeT >Abstract base class for the symmetric eigenvalue server
RWSymFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of symmetric matrices
RWSymMat< TypeT >Represents a symmetric matrix
RWSymPDQREigServer< TypeT >Server for the positive definite QR method of computing eigenvalues
RWSymQREigServer< TypeT >Default server for the QR method of computing eigenvalues
RWSymRangeEigServer< TypeT >Server for symmetric eigenvalues that allows the computation of only the eigenvalues in a given range and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors
RWSymRFQREigServer< TypeT >Server for the root-free QR method of computing eigenvalues
RWSymSomeEigServer< TypeT >Server for symmetric eigenvalues that allows the computation of a subset of the eigenvalues and (optionally) their corresponding eigenvectors
RWSynchObjectBase class for synchronization classes
RWSynchronizedByteInputStreamImpImplementation of a simple lock stream that is used with a binary input stream
RWSynchronizedCharInputStreamImpImplementation of a simple lock stream that is used with a narrow character input stream
RWSynchronizedDataInputStreamImpImplementation of a simple lock stream that is used with a data input stream
RWSynchronizedDataOutputStreamImpImplementation of a simple lock stream that can be used with a data output stream
RWSynchronizedUCharInputStreamImpImplementation of a simple lock stream that can be used with a UTF-16 character input stream
RWSynchronizedWCharInputStreamImpImplementation of a simple lock stream that can be used with a wide character input stream
RWTBitVec< N >Parameterized bit vector of fixed length
RWTCountedPointer< Body >A smart pointer handle to a reference-counting body
RWTCounter< Mutex >Maintains a reference count
RWTCountingBody< Mutex >Base class for classes that must maintain a reference count
RWTCountingPointer< Body, Counter >Defines a reference-counted pointer that provides reference counting semantics for types that do not directly support reference counting
RWTEscrowHandle< Redeemable >Base class for RWTIOUResult<Redeemable> and RWTIOUEscrow<Redeemable> . Not intended for direct use
RWTEscrowImp< Redeemable >Base class for all concrete IOU escrow implementations
RWTFunctor1< S1 >A functor that is invoked with one argument, and whose invocation returns no value
RWTFunctor1Imp< S1 >Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with one argument and return no value
RWTFunctor2< S1, S2 >A functor that is invoked with two arguments, and whose invocation returns no value
RWTFunctor2Imp< S1, S2 >Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with two caller arguments and whose invocation returns no value
RWTFunctorList1< S1 >A sequence of functors whose invocation takes one argument
RWTFunctorList2< S1, S2 >A sequence of functors whose invocation takes two arguments
RWTFunctorMap1< Key >A functor map that takes only one argument at invocation time and returns no value
RWTFunctorMap2< Key, S1 >A functor map that takes two arguments at invocation time and returns no value
RWTFunctorMapR1< SR, Key >A functor map that takes only one argument at invocation time, and returns a value
RWTFunctorMapR2< SR, Key, S1 >A functor map that takes two arguments at invocation time, and returns a value
RWTFunctorR0< SR >A functor that is invoked without any arguments and whose invocation returns a value
RWTFunctorR0Imp< SR >Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that take no caller arguments at invocation time and return a value
RWTFunctorR1< SR, S1 >Represents the group of functors that are invoked with one argument, and whose invocation returns a value
RWTFunctorR1Imp< SR, S1 >Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with one caller argument and return a value
RWTFunctorR2< SR, S1, S2 >Represents the group of functors that are invoked with two arguments, and whose invocation returns a value
RWTFunctorR2Imp< SR, S1, S2 >Abstract base class for the family of functor bodies that are invoked with two arguments and return a value
RWTGuardBase< Resource >Base class for guard classes
RWTHRBoundsErrorException thrown when a specified value is invalid or outide the current legal range
RWTHRClosedExceptionException thrown when an attempt is made to close an already-closed buffer
RWThreadHandle class for a threaded runnable object
RWThreadAttributeEncapsulates a set of attributes that define or control thread scheduling and stack allocation
RWThreadFunctionHandle class for functor-based threaded runnable objects
RWThreadIdA wrapper for platform-specific thread IDs
RWThreadManagerAttempts orderly thread shutdown at process exit
RWThreadPoolManages a pool of RWThread instances used to execute work encapsulated as RWFunctor0 functors
RWThreadSelfHandle class for a threaded runnable object
RWTHRExternalErrorException thrown for errors caused by external sources over which the library has no control
RWTHRIllegalAccessException thrown when an external or internal thread attempts to use a thread object for which it has no allowed access
RWTHRIllegalUsageException thrown when a thread attempts to access a function, method, or value for which it does not have access
RWTHRInternalErrorException thrown to report errors that occur within the Threads Module
RWTHRInvalidPointerException thrown by pointer classes for attempts to deference a pointer that is not pointing to anything
RWTHROperationAbortedException thrown when the requested operation or associated object has been aborted
RWTHROperationCanceledException thrown when an operation is attempted on a canceled thread
RWTHROperationNotAvailableException thrown if the operation or attribute is not available in the current environment
RWTHROperationNotImplementedException thrown when the requested operation has no implementation
RWTHROperationNotSupportedException thrown if the operation or attribute is not supported in the current environment
RWTHROperationTerminatedException thrown when the operation or associated object has been terminated
RWTHRPermissionErrorException thrown when the caller does not have appropriate permissions
RWTHRResourceLimitException thrown when an operation cannot be performed due to memory or system resource constraints
RWTHRThreadActiveException thrown by thread object initialization members when the thread object has already started a thread
RWTHRThreadNotActiveException thrown by thread object members that require that the thread object be started and possess an active thread
RWTHRxmsgBase class for thread-compatible exceptions
RWTimeDeprecated. Represents a time, stored as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 January 1, 1901 GMT
RWTimedPortalProvides timed send() and recv() calls
RWTimerMeasures two types of time, system and user time, both of which can be reported as cumulative if desired
RWTInputStreamBufferImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of input stream
RWTInputStreamLockImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp >Implements a simple lock stream that can be used with any kind of input stream
RWTInsertProxy< T >Proxy object for inserting objects with an instance name into object streams
RWTIOUEscrow< Redeemable >A writable IOU handle
RWTIOUResult< Redeemable >A readable IOU handle
RWTIOUTrap< Redeemable >Waits for the next IOU in a group of IOUs to become redeemable
RWTIsvDlist< TL >Implements intrusive doubly-linked lists
RWTIsvDlistIterator< TL >Iterator for class RWTIsvDlist<T>
RWTIsvSlist< TL >Implements intrusive singly-linked lists
RWTIsvSlistIterator< TL >Iterator for class RWTIsvSlist<T>
RWTLockGuard< Resource >A guard that cquires its resource upon creation and releases it upon destruction
RWTLockGuardBase< Resource >Base class for guard classes that acquire their resource upon creation and release it upon destruction
RWTMonitor< Mutex >Supplies the mutual exclusion and guard mechanisms for synchronizing member functions
RWToEndRepresents an index that can be used for subscripting vectors, matrices, and arrays from a given element to the end
RWTOnlyPointer< Body >Simplifies the use of pointers that refer to objects on the heap, automatically destroying the object when the pointer object is itself destroyed
RWToUTF8ConverterConverts UTF-16 values to UTF-8
RWTOutputStreamBufferImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of output stream
RWTOutputStreamLockImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp >Implements a simple lock stream that can be used with any kind of output stream
RWTParsedTransformInputStreamImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp, Transform, Traits >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of input stream
RWTParsedTransformObjectInputStreamImp< Transform >Constructs an XML input stream that applies a generic transformation to the XML document before reading it from the source
RWTParsedTransformObjectOutputStreamImp< Transform >Constructs an XML stream that includes a generic transformation of the XML document before writing it out to the sink
RWTParsedTransformOutputStreamImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp, Transform, Traits >Implements a buffer that can be used with any kind of output stream
RWTPCPtrBufferBase< Type >Base class thats provide buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging pointer values between cooperating threads
RWTPCPtrQueue< Type >First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue with producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging pointer values between cooperating threads
RWTPCPtrStack< Type >Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging pointer values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValBufferBase< Type >Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValBufferBaseDecorated< Type, Decorator >Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging decorated values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValBufferBaseGuarded< Type, GuardDecorator >Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValBufferBaseGuardedPrioritized< Type, GuardAndPriorityDecorator >Base class that provides buffered producer-consumer synchronization semantics exchanging guarded and prioritized values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValBufferBasePrioritized< Type, PriorityDecorator >Base class that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging prioritized values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValQueue< Type >First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValQueueGuarded< Type >First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValQueueGuardedPrioritized< Type >First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded and prioritized values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValQueuePrioritized< Type >First-in-first-out (FIFO) queue that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging prioritized values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValStack< Type >Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValStackGuarded< Type >Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValStackGuardedPrioritized< Type >Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging guarded and prioritized values between cooperating threads
RWTPCValStackPrioritized< Type >Last-in-first-out (LIFO) stack that provides producer-consumer synchronization semantics for exchanging prioritized values between cooperating threads
RWTPointer< Body >Base class for smart-pointer classes
RWTPortalIStream< charT, traits >Provides a std::basic_istream that uses an RWPortal as its source of bytes
RWTPortalOStream< charT, traits >Provides a std::basic_ostream that uses an RWPortal as its sink of bytes
RWTPortalStream< charT, traits >Provides a std::basic_iostream that uses an RWPortal as its source and sink of bytes
RWTPortalStreamBase< charT, traits >Base class that includes functions common to derived portal stream classes
RWTPortalStreambuf< charT, traits >Streambuf that uses an RWPortal as its source and sink of bytes
RWTPtrDeque< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values, implemented as a double-ended queue, or deque
RWTPtrDlist< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values, implemented as a doubly-linked list
RWTPtrDlistConstIterator< T, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrDlist
RWTPtrDlistIterator< T, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrDlist
RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >A hash-based associative container of pointer types
RWTPtrHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMap
RWTPtrHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMap
RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >A hash-based associative container of pointer types, which allows duplicate keys
RWTPtrHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap
RWTPtrHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiMap
RWTPtrHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >A pointer-based collection of values stored according to a hash object, which allows duplicate values
RWTPtrHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet
RWTPtrHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashMultiSet
RWTPtrHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >A hash-based container for pointer types
RWTPtrHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrHashSet
RWTPtrHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrHashSet
RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of associations ordered according to a comparison object
RWTPtrMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMap
RWTPtrMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMap
RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of associations ordered according to a comparison object, and allowing duplicate keys
RWTPtrMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMultiMap
RWTPtrMultiMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMultiMap
RWTPtrMultiSet< T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of values ordered according to a comparison object, and allowing duplicate values
RWTPtrMultiSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrMultiSet
RWTPtrMultiSetIterator< T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrMultiSet
RWTPtrOrderedVector< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values implemented as an ordered vector
RWTPtrSet< T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of values ordered according to a comparison object
RWTPtrSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSet
RWTPtrSetIterator< T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSet
RWTPtrSlist< T, A >A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list
RWTPtrSlistConstIterator< T, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSlist
RWTPtrSlistIterator< T, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSlist
RWTPtrSortedDlist< T, C, A >A sorted pointer-based collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list
RWTPtrSortedDlistConstIterator< T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTPtrSortedDlist
RWTPtrSortedDlistIterator< T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTPtrSortedDlist
RWTPtrSortedVector< T, C, A >A pointer-based collection of values sorted according to a comparison object and implemented as a vector
RWTPtrVector< T >A pointer-based collection of values implemented as a vector
RWTQueue< T, C >A queue of templatized objects that supports user-specified containers
RWTraceClientAlreadyAddedTrace exception thrown when the client has already been added
RWTraceClientAlreadyConnectedTrace exception thrown when the client is already connected
RWTraceClientNotConnectedTrace exception thrown when the client is not connected
RWTraceEventClientA handle class for trace event client implementations
RWTraceEventClientImpA body class for trace event client implementations
RWTraceEventFilterA handle class for trace event filter implementations
RWTraceEventFilterImpA body class for trace event filter implementations
RWTraceInvalidClientTrace exception thrown when the client is not valid
RWTraceInvalidPointerTrace exception thrown when the client is not connected to a valid body
RWTraceLevelFilterA handle class for a single-client filter that lets only events of the supplied severity level or higher pass through
RWTraceLevelFilterImpA body class for trace level filter implementations
RWTraceManagerThe handle to a singleton trace event manager implementation
RWTraceMultiClientFilterA handle class for a trace event filter that accepts multiple clients
RWTraceMultiClientFilterImpA body class for trace event filters that accept multiple clients
RWTraceOstreamClientA handle class for a trace event client that sends all events to an std::ostream
RWTraceOstreamClientImpA body class for clients that send all trace events to an std::ostream
RWTraceSingleClientFilterA handle class for a trace event filter that accepts only one client
RWTraceSingleClientFilterImpA body class for a trace level filter that accepts only one client
RWTRand< Generator >Abstract base class from which the random number generator classes derive
RWTRandBinomial< Generator >Used to generate random numbers from a binomial distribution
RWTRandExponential< Generator >Used to generate random numbers from an exponential distribution
RWTRandGamma< Generator >Used to generate random numbers from a gamma distribution
RWTRandNormal< Generator >Used to generate random numbers from a normal distribution
RWTRandPoisson< Generator >Used to generate random numbers from a Poisson distribution
RWTRandUniform< Generator >Used to generate random numbers from a uniform distribution in an interval [a, b]
RWTReadGuardBase< Resource >A base class for guard classes that support read access to a given section of code
RWTReadLockGuard< Resource >A guard class that acquires read access to its resource upon creation and releases it upon destruction
RWTReadLockGuardBase< Resource >A base class for guard classes that acquire read access to a resource upon creation and release it upon destruction
RWTReadUnlockGuard< Resource >A guard class that releases its resource upon creation and acquires read access to its resource upon destruction
RWTRecursiveLock< Mutex >Supports recursive acquisition of a mutex
RWTRegex< T >Supports reqular expression matching based on the POSIX.2 standard and supports both narrow and wide characters
RWTRegexMatchIterator< T >Iterates over matches found using RWTRegex<T>
RWTRegexResult< T >Encapsulates the results from a search using RWTRegex<T>
RWTRegexTraits< T >Defines static, inline methods for returning specific regular expression character values
RWTRegularExpression< charT >Deprecated. Provides extended regular expression matching similar to that found in lex and awk
RWTriangularExchange< T >Converts between local currencies that are part of the European Monetary Union (EMU)
RWTriDiagDecomp< TypeT >Encapsulates the tridiagonal decomposition of a symmetric matrix
RWTriDiagFact< TypeT >Encapsulates factorizations of tridiagonal matrices
RWTriDiagMat< TypeT >Encapsulates tridiagonal matrices
RWTRunnableIOUFunction< Return >Handle class for functor-based runnable objects
RWTSingleton< T >Ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it
RWTStack< T, C >Maintains a stack of values
RWTStreambufFromByteCharInputStream< InputStream >Adaptor class to adapt the iostreams std::streambuf interface to the Rogue Wave binary and narrow character Input Stream interfaces
RWTStreambufToByteCharOutputStream< OutputStream >Adaptor class to adapt the iostreams std::streambuf interface to the Rogue Wave binary and narrow character Output Stream interfaces
RWTStreamGuardImp< StreamHandle, FilteredStreamImp >A simple guard stream that can be used with any kind of input/output stream
RWTTHRCompatibleException< Exception >Template class for creating a thread-compatible exception from an existing exception class
RWTThreadEscrowImp< Redeemable >Multithread-safe implementation of RWTEscrowImp<Redeemable>
RWTThreadIOUFunction< Return >Handle class for functor-based threaded runnable objects
RWTThreadLocal< Type >Provides thread-local storage with simple by-value semantics
RWTTransformInputStreamImp< InputStream, FilteredInputStreamImp, Transform >Implements a buffered char or byte input character stream that includes a transformation
RWTTransformObjectInputStreamImp< Transform >Constructs an XML input stream that applies a generic transformation to the XML document before reading it from the source
RWTTransformObjectOutputStreamImp< Transform >Constructs an XML stream that applies a generic transformation to the XML document before writing it out to the sink
RWTTransformOutputStreamImp< OutputStream, FilteredOutputStreamImp, Transform >Implements a buffered char or byte output stream that includes a transformation
RWTTryLockGuard< Resource >Guard class that tries to acquire its resource upon creation and release it upon destruction
RWTTryReadLockGuard< Resource >Guard class that tries to acquire read access on its resource upon creation and release it upon destruction
RWTTryWriteLockGuard< Resource >Guard class that tries to acquire write access on its resource upon creation and release it upon destruction
RWTUnlockGuard< Resource >Guard class that releases its resource upon creation and acquires it upon destruction
RWTValDeque< T, A >Collection of values implemented as a double-ended queue, or deque
RWTValDlist< T, A >Maintains a collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list
RWTValDlistConstIterator< T, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValDlist
RWTValDlistIterator< T, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValDlist
RWTValHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object
RWTValHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMap
RWTValHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMap
RWTValHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item stored according to a hash object
RWTValHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap
RWTValHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiMap
RWTValHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object, and with multiple equivalent values allowed
RWTValHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet
RWTValHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValHashMultiSet
RWTValHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >Maintains a collection of values stored according to a hash object
RWTValHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValHashSet
RWTValHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValHashSet
RWTValMap< K, T, C, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item and ordered according to a comparison object
RWTValMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValMap
RWTValMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValMap
RWTValMultiMap< K, T, C, A >Maintains a collection of keys, each with an associated item and ordered according to a comparison object
RWTValMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValMultiMap
RWTValMultiMapIterator< K, T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValMultiMap
RWTValMultiSet< T, C, A >Maintains a collection of values ordered according to a comparison object
RWTValMultiSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValMultiSet
RWTValMultiSetIterator< T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValMultiSet
RWTValOrderedVector< T, A >Maintains a collection of values implemented as a vector
RWTValSet< T, C, A >Maintains a collection of values ordered according to a comparison object
RWTValSetConstIterator< T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValSet
RWTValSetIterator< T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValSet
RWTValSlist< T, A >Maintains a collection of values implemented as a singly-linked list
RWTValSlistConstIterator< T, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValSlist
RWTValSlistIterator< T, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValSlist
RWTValSortedDlist< T, C, A >Maintains a sorted collection of values implemented as a doubly-linked list
RWTValSortedDlistConstIterator< T, C, A >Provides a const iterator for RWTValSortedDlist
RWTValSortedDlistIterator< T, C, A >Provides an iterator for RWTValSortedDlist
RWTValSortedVector< T, C, A >Maintains a sorted collection of values implemented as a vector
RWTValVector< T >A value-based collection of values implemented as a vector
RWTValVirtualArray< T >Deprecated. A virtual array of templatized objects
RWTWriteGuardBase< Resource >A base class for guard classes that support write access to a given section of code
RWTWriteLockGuard< Resource >A guard class that acquires write access to its resource upon creation and releases it upon destruction
RWTWriteLockGuardBase< Resource >A base class for guard classes that acquire write access to a resource upon creation and release it upon destruction
RWTWriteUnlockGuard< Resource >A guard class that releases its resource upon creation and acquires read access to its resource upon destruction
RWTXmlTraits< char >Provides character and string values required by the RWTParsedXXX transformation classes
RWUAvailableEncodingListConstructs iterators that provide access to the current list of encoding names
RWUAvailableEncodingListIteratorProvides a C++ Standard Library bidirectional iterator for class RWUAvailableEncodingList
RWUAvailableLocaleListConstructs iterators that provide access to the current list of locale names
RWUAvailableLocaleListIteratorProvides a C++ Standard Library bidirectional iterator for class RWUAvailableLocaleList
RWUBreakSearchFinds the locations of breaks, or potential breaks, in text for a specified locale
RWUCharArrayOutputStreamHandle class for Unicode character output streams that support an extended interface
RWUCharArrayOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for Unicode character output streams that support an extended interface
RWUCharFromByteInputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to an input binary stream
RWUCharFromUTF8ByteInputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to a UTF-8 binary stream
RWUCharInputStreamHandle class for all the UTF-16 character input stream implementation classes
RWUCharInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the Unicode character input stream implementation classes
RWUCharOutputStreamHandle class for the Unicode character output stream implementation classes
RWUCharOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for the Unicode output stream implementation classes
RWUCharToByteOutputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to an output binary stream
RWUCharToUTF8ByteOutputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a UTF-16 character stream to a UTF-8 output binary stream
RWUCharTraitsProvides methods for querying the properties of Unicode characters
RWUCollationKeyStores preprocessed comparison information for a Unicode string to speed repeated string comparisons
RWUCollatorPerforms locale-sensitive string comparison for use in searching and sorting natural language text
RWUConstStringIteratorProvides read-only access to the code points encoded by the code units within an RWBasicUString
RWUConstSubStringProvides read-only access to a range of code units within a referenced RWUString
RWUConversionContextSpecifies the default character encoding scheme for conversions between narrow character strings and UTF-16 strings
RWUConverterBaseBase class that converts to and from Unicode
RWUEncodingAliasListConstructs iterators to access the list of encoding aliases associated with a given encoding
RWUEncodingAliasListIteratorA Standard C++ Libary bidirectional iterator for class RWUEncodingAliasList
RWUEncodingNameStandardListConstructs iterators for accessing the list of encoding name standards (such as MIME or IANA) used by the Internationalization Module
RWUEncodingNameStandardListIteratorA Standard C++ Library bidirectional iterator for class RWUEncodingNameStandardList
RWUExceptionException class thrown by many methods in the Internationalization Module
RWUFromUnicodeConversionContextSpecifies the character encoding scheme to use for default conversions from UTF-16 strings into another encoding
RWUFromUnicodeConverterConverts text from UTF-16 to various byte-oriented standard character encoding schemes
RWUFromUnicodeConverter::ErrorResponseStateStores the current error response state of an RWUFromUnicodeConverter converter
RWUIsoCountryListConstructs iterators to access the static list of ISO 3166 country codes recognized by the Internationalization Module
RWUIsoLanguageListConstructs iterators to access the static list of ISO 639 language codes recognized by the Internationalization Module
RWULocaleDefines a specific language, country, and variant
RWUnableToReadCertificateErrorThrown when an RWX509Certificate could not be created from the provided data
RWUnableToReadPrivateKeyErrorThrown when an RWAsymmetricKey could not be created from the provided data
RWUNormalizerConverts a string into a particular normalized Unicode form, and detects whether a string is already in a particular form
RWUpperTriMat< TypeT >Encapsulates upper triangular matrices, which are 0 above the diagonal
RWURegexMatchIteratorIterates over matches found for a Unicode regular expression pattern
RWURegexResultStores Unicode regular expression match results
RWURegularExpressionRepresents a regular expression with Unicode extensions
RWUResourceBundleProvides a way to store and access locale-dependent data
RWURLA convenience class that encapsulates parsing and component management of URL information
RWURLErrorAn exception thrown from the Internet Basics package
RWUStringStores and manipulates Unicode character sequences encoded as UTF-16 code units
RWUString::PadIostream manipulator that supports the insertion of the contents of an RWUString into an output stream, with padding to fill the full field width of the stream
RWUStringIteratorBidirectional iterator that provides read-write access to the code points encoded by the code units within an RWUString
RWUStringIterator::RWUChar32ReferenceProvides transparent read-write access to a code point referenced by an RWUStringIterator
RWUStringSearchSearches text for occurrences of a specified Unicode string
RWUSubStringProvides read-write access to a range of code units within a referenced RWUString
RWUTF8HelperProvides common functionality used to encode and decode UTF-8 sequences
RWUTokenizerFinds delimiters in Unicode source strings, and provides sequential access to the tokens between those delimiters
RWUToUnicodeConversionContextSpecifies the default character encoding scheme to use for subsequent implicit conversions from narrow character strings to UTF-16 encoded Unicode strings
RWUToUnicodeConverterProvides unidirectional text conversion from strings in various encodings to UTF-16-encoded RWUString instances
RWUToUnicodeConverter::ErrorResponseStateStores the current error response state of the converter so the state can be restored if necessary
RWVecViewA base class for mathematical vector classes
RWviosAbstract base class defining an interface similar to std::ios, but without a required association with std::streambuf
RWVirtualPageHeapAbstract base class representing an abstract page heap of fixed-sized pages
RWvistreamAbstract base class providing an interface for format-independent retrieval of fundamental types and fundamental-type arrays
RWvistreamFromDataInputStreamAdaptor class that adapts the Rogue Wave virtual stream interface to the Rogue Wave data input stream interface
RWvostreamAbstract base class that provides an interface for format-dependent storage of fundamental types and fundamental-type arrays
RWvostreamToDataOutputStreamAdaptor class that adapts the Rogue Wave virtual stream interface to the Rogue Wave data output stream interface
RWWCharArrayOutputStreamHandle class for wide character output streams that support an extended interface, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a wide character array
RWWCharArrayOutputStreamImpAbastract base class for wide character output streams that support an extended interface, allowing retrieval of inserted data as a wide character array
RWWCharFromWStreambufInputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a wide character stream to an iostreams wide character buffer
RWWCharInputStreamHandle class for all the wide character input stream implementation classes
RWWCharInputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the wide character input stream implementation classes
RWWCharOutputStreamHandle class for all the wide character output stream implementation classes
RWWCharOutputStreamImpAbstract base class for all the wide character output stream implementation classes
RWWCharToWStreambufOutputStreamImpConcrete class connecting a wide character stream to an iostreams wide character buffer
RWWConstSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWWString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
RWWinSockInfoInitializes the Winsock DLL on Windows platforms
RWWithObjectInputContextRepresents a guard object that opens and closes a context within a lexical scope for input streams
RWWithObjectOutputContextRepresents a guard object that opens and closes a context within a lexical scope for output streams
RWWStringManipulates wide character strings
RWWSubStringAllows some subsection of an RWWString to be addressed by defining a starting position and an extent
RWWTokenizerBreaks up a string into separate tokens, delimited by arbitrary whitespace
RWX509CertificateAdapter class for the cryptographic library's representation of an X.509 certificate
RWxallocException class that reports buffer allocation errors
RWXDRistreamA portable input stream based on XDR routines
RWXDRostreamA portable output stream based on XDR routines
RWXmlObjectInputStreamImpReads and restores objects encoded in XML from the supplied RWDataInputStream
RWXmlObjectOutputStreamImpSerializes one or more objects as an XML-formatted data stream and passes the stream to a supplied RWDataOutputStream
RWXmlObjectStreamCommonBase class shared by XML object input and output streams
RWXmlStreamElementAn XML element abstraction for implementing efficient C++ transformations
RWxmsgBase class for the hierarchy of exceptions in the Essential Tools Module
RWZoneAbstract base class defining an interface to describe time zones
RWZoneSimpleA basic, concrete timezone implementation of the abstract class RWZone, based on the Daylight Saving Time (DST) rules defined in struct RWDaylightRule

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