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RWvistreamFromDataInputStream Class Reference

Adaptor class that adapts the Rogue Wave virtual stream interface to the Rogue Wave data input stream interface. More...

#include <rw/stream/RWvistreamFromDataInputStream.h>

Inheritance diagram for RWvistreamFromDataInputStream:
RWvistream RWvios

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 RWvistreamFromDataInputStream (const RWDataInputStream &sourceStream)
virtual ~RWvistreamFromDataInputStream ()
virtual int eof ()
virtual int fail ()
virtual int bad ()
virtual int good ()
virtual int rdstate ()
virtual void clear (int v=0)
virtual int get ()
virtual RWvistreamget (char &value)
virtual RWvistreamget (wchar_t &value)
virtual RWvistreamget (unsigned char &value)
virtual RWvistreamget (bool &value)
virtual RWvistreamget (bool *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (char *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (double *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (float *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (int *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (long *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (short *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (wchar_t *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (unsigned char *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (unsigned short *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (unsigned int *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (unsigned long *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (long double *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (long long *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamget (unsigned long long *arrayPt, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamgetString (char *string, size_t count)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (char &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (double &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (float &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (int &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (long &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (short &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (wchar_t &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (unsigned char &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (unsigned short &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (unsigned int &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (unsigned long &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (long double &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (long long &value)
virtual RWvistreamoperator>> (unsigned long long &value)
virtual RWvistreamgetSizeT (size_t &value)

Protected Member Functions

RWDataInputStreamgetSourceStream ()
const RWDataInputStreamgetSourceStream () const

Detailed Description

The class RWvistreamFromDataInputStream is an adaptor class that adapts the Rogue Wave virtual stream interface to the new Rogue Wave Data Input Stream interface. Requests made through the Rogue Wave virtual input stream interface are forwarded to the embedded RWDataInputStream handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::RWvistreamFromDataInputStream ( const RWDataInputStream sourceStream  )  [inline]

Initializes the reference to the data stream that will be used as the source of data.

sourceStream The data stream that will serve as the source of data.
virtual RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::~RWvistreamFromDataInputStream (  )  [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

virtual int RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::bad (  )  [virtual]

Forward to the isBad() function of the embedded data stream. Throws no exceptions.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual void RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::clear ( int  v = 0  )  [virtual]

Not meaningful for data input stream. This function does nothing. Throws no exceptions.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual int RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::eof (  )  [virtual]

Forward to the isEof() function of the embedded data stream. Throws no exceptions.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual int RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::fail (  )  [virtual]

Forward to the isFail() function of the embedded data stream. Throws no exceptions.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( unsigned long long *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( long long *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( long double *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( unsigned long *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( unsigned int *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( unsigned short *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( unsigned char *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( wchar_t *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( short *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( long *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( int *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( float *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( double *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( char *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( bool *  arrayPt,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Read an array of values from the stream. The array must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

arrayPt A pointer to the array's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( bool &  value  )  [virtual]

Gets the next specified value from the input stream.

value A reference to the variable receiving the value ead from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( unsigned char &  value  )  [virtual]

Gets the next specified value from the input stream.

value A reference to the variable receiving the value ead from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( wchar_t &  value  )  [virtual]

Gets the next specified value from the input stream.

value A reference to the variable receiving the value ead from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get ( char &  value  )  [virtual]

Gets the next specified value from the input stream.

value A reference to the variable receiving the value ead from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual int RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::get (  )  [virtual]

Gets and returns the next byte from the input stream, returning its value. Returns EOF if the end of the input sequence is encountered. Throws no exceptions.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::getSizeT ( size_t &  sz  )  [virtual]

Gets the next size_t value from the input stream, returning its value in sz.

Implements RWvistream.

const RWDataInputStream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::getSourceStream (  )  const [inline, protected]

Returns a handle to the embedded Data Input Stream that is used as the source of data. Throws no exceptions.

RWDataInputStream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::getSourceStream (  )  [inline, protected]

Returns a handle to the embedded Data Input Stream that is used as the source of data. Throws no exceptions.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::getString ( char *  string,
size_t  count 
) [virtual]

Reads a narrow character string from the stream. The string must have been pre-allocated to contain at least count elements. The function returns the number of elements read.

string A pointer to the string's first element.
count The number of elements to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual int RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::good (  )  [virtual]

Forward to the isGood() function of the embedded data stream. Throws no exceptions.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( unsigned long long &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( long long &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( long double &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( unsigned long &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( unsigned int &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( unsigned short &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( unsigned char &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( wchar_t &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads a wide character from the stream.

value The wide character to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( short &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( long &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( int &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( float &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( double &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads the specified type from the stream.

value The value to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual RWvistream& RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::operator>> ( char &  value  )  [virtual]

Reads a narrow character from the stream.

value The narrow character to be read from the stream.

Implements RWvistream.

virtual int RWvistreamFromDataInputStream::rdstate (  )  [virtual]

Returns the value of the stream state variable as defined in iostreams. Throws no exceptions.

Implements RWvistream.

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