CuSumStatus is a cumulative sum status chart. CuSumStatus plots the tabular CuSum results.

Namespace: Imsl.Chart2D.QC
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class CuSumStatus : ShewhartControlChart
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class CuSumStatus _
	Inherits ShewhartControlChart
Visual C++
public ref class CuSumStatus : public ShewhartControlChart


The one-sided upper and lower cusums, C^{+} and C^{-} are computed. These are plotted as two bar charts. The C^{+} are plotted as a bar chart above the x-axis and C^{-} is below the axis. By default, in-control bars are green and out-of-control bars are red.

Control limit lines are drawn at \pm h, where h is the value of the property AbsoluteH. This can be set either to an absolute number, using the property AbsoluteH, or relative to the standard deviation of the data, using the property RelativeH.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also