ShewhartControlChart is the base class for the Shewhart control charts.

Namespace: Imsl.Chart2D.QC
Assembly: ImslCS (in ImslCS.dll) Version:


public class ShewhartControlChart : Data
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class ShewhartControlChart _
	Inherits Data
Visual C++
public ref class ShewhartControlChart : public Data


The control limits are generally calculated as

\mathrm{center} + k\sigma
where the meaning of center and \sigma depend on the specific control chart being drawn. The variable k is the value of the attribute "ControlLimit" associated with the line being drawn. Typically there are three lines with k=-3, 0, 3.

If all of the samples sizes are equal, the lines are horizontal. If the sample sizes are unequal, the lines have a "stairstep" pattern. Horizontal lines have a title drawn just above the line and right-adjusted on the chart. The contents of the title is determined by the line's "Title" attribute. If the title contains the placeholder "{0}", it is replaced by the lines value. This replacement is done using String.Format.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also